Table Metadata Node
The Table Metadata node extracts metadata for a specified table. This information can be used to identify changes in the corresponding physical table. The properties dialog for this node includes the following elements:
Name - Specifies a name for the node.
Notes - Enables you to open the Notes dialog. You use the dialog to enter optional details or any other relevant information for the input.
Input Table - Enables you to select a database and table from which you are retrieving table metadata. You can also click Browse to open the Select Table dialog, where you can navigate to a table.
The following table displays the metadata information that can be extracted from a selected input table:
Property | Description |
BUFFER_LENGTH | Size in bytes required to store the data. |
CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH | Maximum length in bytes of a character or binary data type field. |
COLUMN_DEF | Default value of the field. |
COLUMN_NAME | Name of the field as listed in the table. |
COLUMN_SIZE | Physical size of the field. |
DATA_TYPE | Type of data in the field as defined by the individual database ODBC driver. |
DECIMAL_DIGITS | For numeric data, the number of decimal places used. |
IS_NULLABLE | If "NO" the field does not include nulls; if "YES" the field could include nulls. |
NULLABLE | Displays whether the field allows nulls to be entered. |
NUM_PREC_RADIX | For numeric data, this will be either 10 or 2. If 10, then COLUMN_SIZE and DECIMAL_DIGITS give the number of digits for the field. If 2, then these two give the number of bits allowed for the field (base 2). |
ORDINAL | Order of the fields in the table. |
ORDINAL_POSITION | Ordinal position of the field in the table. |
REMARKS | Descriptive comments about the field. |
SQL_DATA_TYPE | Similar to DATA_TYPE but has added codes for date/time and interval types. |
SQL_DATETIME_SUB | Sub-type code for SQL_DATA_TYPE. |
TABLE_CAT | Usually the physical location of the database table. Exact usage depends on the database driver. |
TABLE_NAME | Name of the table as listed in the database. |
TABLE_SCHEME | Table schema name (for databases that support named schemas). |
TYPE_NAME | Descriptive name of the data type as defined by the individual database ODBC driver. |
You can access the following advanced properties by right-clicking the Table Metadata node: