Street-Level Geocoding - Data Types
The Street-Level Geocoding node uses the following types of data:
- Output Fields
- Result Codes
Output Fields
The output fields are defined in the following table:
Available Field |
Description |
Geocode Result Code |
The Result Code indicates whether the record was successfully "geocoded". Refer to the list of Result Codes below. |
Geocode Latitude |
This is the numerical horizontal map reference for address data. |
Geocode Longitude |
This is the vertical map reference for address data. |
Geocode Country Code |
This represents the country code for the address. |
Geocode FIPS |
The US Census Bureau uses a Federal Information Processing Standards number to refer to certain data. |
Geocode Census Tract |
This is a US Census Bureau reference number assigned using the centroid latitude and longitude. This number contains references to the State and County codes. |
Geocode Census Block |
This is the last four digits of the State/County/Tract/Block value. |
Geocode FIPS MCD Code |
The FIPS MCD (Minor Civil Division) code refers to a subsection of the US Census county subdivision statistics. The county subdivision FIPS includes census data for county divisions, census subareas, minor civil divisions, unorganized territories, and incorporated areas. |
Geocode MSA or CMSA |
This is a US Census Bureau code referencing MSA Metropolitan Statistical Areas or County Metropolitan Statistical Areas. |
Geocode PMSA (for CMSA) |
This is a US Census Bureau code referencing Principal Metropolitan Statistical Area or Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area. |
Geocode CBSA |
This is the code for Core-Based Statistical Area. |
Note: You can input Canadian postal codes but only the latitude and longitude will be returned, not census or street level data.
Result Codes
The following list shows the possible street level result codes.
Result Code |
Description |
DP |
The match is based on the delivery point. |
When the match fails on the delivery point the ZIP+4 code is evaluated. If the result code is PLUS4 then the match is based on ZIP+4. |
If the match fails on ZIP+4 then the five digit ZIP code is evaluated. If the result code is ZIP then the match is based on the ZIP code. |
If the match fails the first three checks then NOMATCH is assigned since there is no match in the geocoding database. |
Note: When you use the Street-Level Geocoding node, a license check is performed to confirm the license type. If you have a ZIP+4 database, you only will see results reflecting that license type. If you have a database including street level data, you will see address data with street level results.