Phone - Data Types
The Phone node uses the output fields included in the Available field in the Output fields section. These fields are listed in the following table:
Available Field |
Description |
State | The standard 2-letter state or province abbreviation. |
Country ISO Name | Displays US for the United States and CA for Canada. |
City | The official city name by which an area code or prefix is known. |
FIPS Code | A five-digit number assigned to each county in the U.S. by the Census Bureau. |
MSA | A code assigned by the Office of Management and Budget. Use this code as an index key in the MSA file. |
Primary/Largest MSA | The primary MSA code. |
Phone Type | The type of phone number, for example standard or cellular. |
Area Code | The three-digit area code. |
Overlay 1, 2, and 3 | This field contains data when the given area code "overlays" one or more additional area codes. Such overlays are typically used for mobile beepers and cellular phones. |
Result | The result of the query, such as No Data, Not Found, or Found Full. |