Canadian Postal Code Lookup

NOTE: Beginning July 31, 2023, SAS will no longer support or provide updates the following data packs:

Users that want to perform US/Canada address verification and geocode jobs, must migrate to the Loqate data packs listed below, prior to July 31, 2023.

After July 31, 2023, the SAS Data Management Studio jobs that rely on the discontinued data packs fail and you will receive license errors. See the SAS Data Management Studio and Server 2.9: Migration Guide for Data Packs for additional information.

You can add a Canadian Postal Code Lookup node to a data job to enter Canadian postal codes. The output returns a range of addresses for a postal code, including a range of street numbers, street names, cities, provinces, and postal codes. Once you have added the node, you can double-click it to open its properties window. The properties window includes the following elements:

Name - Specifies a name for the node.

Notes - Enables you to open the Notes window. You use the window to enter optional details or any other relevant information for the input.

Postal code input field - Enables you to select the field in your data that contains postal code-related fields. The available fields are determined by your data source(s) and any steps preceding the Canadian Postal Code Lookup node in your data job.

The Output fields section of the window includes the following elements:

Available - Displays the fields that you can make available for the next step in your data job. Items displayed in this list are dependent on your data sources and any preceding steps in your data job.

Selected - Displays the fields that will be made available to the next node in your data job.

Additional Outputs - Displays the Additional Outputs window. This window enables you to specify the fields that you can make available to the next node in your data job.

You can access the following advanced properties by right-clicking the Canadian Postal Code Lookup node: