Distributed Phone - Reference
This list contains the fields available on the Distributed Phone Properties dialog.
Country ISO Name - Displays US for the United States and CA for Canada.
State - The standard 2-letter state or province abbreviation.
State FIPS Code - The US State Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) numerical code assigned to each state.
County FIPS Code - The county FIPS numerical code assigned to each county.
MSA - The Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) code assigned by the Office of Management and Budget. Use this code as an index key in the MSA file.
Primary/Largest MSA - The primary MSA code.
City - The official city name by which an area code/prefix is known.
Phone Type - The type of phone number. The following table lists the possible values:
Value | Description |
S | Standard |
C | Cellular only |
B | Beeper only |
A | Assumed center of population |
M | Miscellaneous |
Area Code - The 3-digit area code.
Overlays - This field contains data when the given area code "overlays" one or more additional area codes. Such overlays are typically used for mobile beepers and cellular phones. Multiple overlays will be separated by a space.
Numeric Result - The numeric result of the function call, which indicates whether the phone number was successfully located. The following table lists the possible values:
Numeric Result | Description |
0 | Indicates the phone number or area code was found. |
407 | Indicates the area code and number were not found. |
Result - The text explanation of the Numeric Result Code.
Note: Refer to the SAS Data Management Server: Basic Reference Guide for additional information.