Settings Tab
You can use the Settings tab to set the properties for an object. The tab contains the following sections:
The Identification section enables you to view or change the name and describe the object. It contains the following fields:
- Name - Displays the name of the object and when appropriate allows you to rename it.
- ID - Displays the repository identifier for the object.
- Location - When available, use to specify the physical path to the object. Here is a sample path to a job in a SAS repository: dfr://Repository 2/Data Jobs/Data Job 1(DataJob). Here is a sample path to a SAS code on the file system: C:\Public\
- Description - Displays an existing description of the object or provides a field to enter a description.
- Comment - When available, displays a comment about the object or provides a field to enter or edit a comment.
The Database Connection section, when available, specifies the database connection for a table.
The SAS Workspace Server section, when available, specifies a connection to a SAS Workspace Server. The SAS Code node and SAS Code (reference) node use this information to submit SAS code to workspace server. The Host field specifies the network name of a SAS Workspace Server. The User and Password fields must specify the credentials for a user who is registered on the SAS Metadata Server. Ask your SAS server administrator for this information.
A default SAS Workspace Server can be specified as a global option. To specify a default SAS Workspace Server for SAS Data Management Studio, select Tools > Data Management Studio Options > Job > Node Defaults.
The Run section, when available, specifies run options for a node. For the Profile (reference) node, the Run section enables you to add a version description for a run; append run results to an existing report; and create, edit, and delete macro variables.
For the SAS Code node and SAS Code (reference) node, the Run section contains Show SAS... options. Use these options to manage the display of the SAS Log and SAS Output for these nodes. The log and the output can be displayed both before and after a run. Leave the Show SAS... options unchecked unless you have a problem and want to see the SAS log.
The Iterations section, when available, specifies the number of iterations available for parallel processing.
The Options section, when available, enables you to set options such as those to exclude a node from runs, to process node errors and binding failures. This section includes the following fields:
- Exclude Node from Run - Excludes the current node the next time that the job is executed.
- Node errors - Determines whether to abort or continue running the job when it encounters a node error. The available options use the applications default (abort the job run), abort the job run, continue running the job, and only abort the flow that had the error.
- Source binding failures - Determines how to handle a failure.
- Process - When available in a process node, it determines whether to run the node in its default process or run it in a separate process.
The Notes section enables you to enter a note.