Loqate Node Inputs and Outputs
Input Fields
Almost all of the Loqate node's input and output fields are identical to the fields in Loqate software, as described in their documentation. The only exception is the output field AccuracyCode. See the description of that field in Output Fields.
Field Name | Description |
Address | The full address. |
Address1 | Address Line 1 |
Address2 | Address Line 2 |
Address3 | Address Line 3 |
Address4 | Address Line 4 |
Address5 | Address Line 5 |
Address6 | Address Line 6 |
Address7 | Address Line 7 |
Address8 | Address Line 8 |
Country | The country name or code |
SuperAdministrativeArea | The largest geographic data element within a country. |
AdministrativeArea | The most common geographic data element within a country. For instance, USA State, and Canadian Province. |
SubAdministrativeArea | The smallest geographic data element within a country. For instance, USA County. |
Locality | The most common population center data element within a country. For instance, USA City, Canadian Municipality. |
DependentLocality | This field holds a smaller population center data element, dependent on the contents of the Locality field. For instance, Turkish Neighborhood. |
DoubleDependentLocality | The smallest population center data element, dependent on both the contents of the Locality and DependentLocality fields. For instance, UK Village. |
Thoroughfare | The most common street or block data element within a country. For instance, USA Street. |
DependentThoroughfare | The dependent street or block data element within a country. For instance, UK Dependent Street. |
Building | The descriptive name identifying an individual location, should one exist. |
Premise | The alphanumeric code identifying an individual location, should one exist. |
SubBuilding | The secondary identifiers for a particular delivery point. For instance, FLAT 1 or SUITE 212. |
PostalCode | The complete postal code for a particular delivery point, should such detail be able to be determined. |
Organization | The business name associated with a particular delivery point, should one exist. |
PostBox | The post box for a particular delivery point, should one exist. |
Output Fields
Field Name | Description |
Address | The full address, correctly formatted for mailing in the relevant country |
Address1 | Address Line 1 |
Address2 | Address Line 2 |
Address3 | Address Line 3 |
Address4 | Address Line 4 |
Address5 | Address Line 5 |
Address6 | Address Line 6 |
Address7 | Address Line 7 |
Address8 | Address Line 8 |
DeliveryAddress | The full address without the Organization, Locality, AdministrativeArea hierarchy, and PostalCode hierarchy fields, correctly formatted for mailing in the relevant country |
DeliveryAddress1 | DeliveryAddress Line 1 |
DeliveryAddress2 | DeliveryAddress Line 2 |
DeliveryAddress3 | DeliveryAddress Line 3 |
DeliveryAddress4 | DeliveryAddress Line 4 |
DeliveryAddress5 | DeliveryAddress Line 5 |
DeliveryAddress6 | DeliveryAddress Line 6 |
DeliveryAddress7 | DeliveryAddress Line 7 |
DeliveryAddress8 | DeliveryAddress Line 8 |
Contact | Parsed contact information about the recipient |
Department | Parsed department information about the recipient |
Function | Parsed function information about the recipient |
Premise | The alphanumeric code identifying an individual location, should one exist. |
PremiseNumber | The alphanumeric indicator within the Premise field, should one exist. For instance, if Premise contains Plot 7/7A, the PremiseNumber field contains 7/7A if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists within a particular country. |
PremiseExtra | Parsed but unmatched information from a premises |
Locality | The most common population center data element within a country. For instance, USA City, Canadian Municipality. |
LocalityExtra | Information that was used when parsing the Locality but that is not a part of the official postal data |
DependentLocality | This field holds a smaller population center data element, dependent on the contents of the Locality field. For instance, Turkish Neighborhood. |
DoubleDependentLocality | The smallest population center data element, dependent on both the contents of the Locality and DependentLocality fields. For instance, UK Village. |
DoubleDependentLocalityName | The name of a DoubleDependentLocality |
DoubleDependentLocalityType | The type of a DoubleDependentLocality |
CountryName | The official country name |
ISO3166-2 | The ISO 3166 2-character country code. |
ISO3166-3 | The ISO 3166 3-character country code. |
ISO3166-N | The ISO 3166 3-digit numeric country code. |
PostBox | The post box for a particular delivery point, should one exist. |
PostBoxType | The type indicator contained within the PostBox field, should one exist. For instance, if PostBox contains “PO BOX 1234” PostBoxType contains “PO BOX” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
PostBoxNumber | The alphanumeric indicator within the PostBox field, should one exist. For instance, if PostBox contains “PO BOX 1234” PostBoxNumber contains “1234” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
PostalCode | The complete postal code for a particular delivery point, should such detail be able to be determined. |
PostalCodePrimary | The primary postal code used for a particular country. For instance, USA ZIP, Canadian Postcode, Indian PINcode. |
PostalCodeSecondary | This field contains secondary postal code information, if used in a particular country and if such detail is able to be determined and reference data is available. For instance, USA ZIP Plus 4. |
Organization | The business name associated with a particular delivery point, should one exist. |
OrganizationName | The name indicator within the Organization field, should one exist. For instance, if Organization contains ‘Loqate Inc” OrganizationName contains “Loqate” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
OrganizationType | The trailing type indicator contained within the Organization field, should one exist. For instance, if Organization contains “Loqate Inc” OrganizationType contains “Inc” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
Thoroughfare | The most common street or block data element within a country. For instance, USA Street. |
ThoroughfarePreDirection | The prefix directional contained within the Thoroughfare field, should one exist. For instance, if Thoroughfare contains “N MAIN ST” ThoroughfarePreDirection contains “N” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
ThoroughfareLeadingType | The leading thoroughfare type indicator within the Thoroughfare field, should one exist. For instance, if Thoroughfare contains “RUE DE LA GARE” ThoroughfareLeadingType contains “RUE” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
ThoroughfareName | The name indicator within the Thoroughfare field, should one exist. For instance, if Thoroughfare contains “N MAIN ST” ThoroughfareName contains “MAIN” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
ThoroughfareTrailingType | The trailing thoroughfare type indicator within the Thoroughfare field, should one exist. For instance, if Thoroughfare contains “N MAIN ST” ThoroughfareTrailingType contains “ST” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
ThoroughfarePostDirection | The postfix directional contained within the Thoroughfare field, should one exist. For instance, if Thoroughfare contains “MAIN ST N” ThoroughfarePostDirection contains “N” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
DependentThoroughfare | The dependent street or block data element within a country. For instance, UK Dependent Street. |
DependentThoroughfarePreDirection | The prefix directional contained within the DependentThoroughfare field, should one exist. For instance, if DependentThoroughfare contains “N MAIN ST” DependentThoroughfarePreDirection contains “N” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
DependentThoroughfareLeadingType | The leading thoroughfare type indicator within the DependentThoroughfare field, should one exist. For instance, if DependentThoroughfare contains “RUE DE LA GARE” DependentThoroughfareLeadingType contains “RUE” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
DependentThoroughfareName | The name indicator within the DependentThoroughfare field, should one exist. For instance, if DependentThoroughfare contains “N MAIN ST” DependentThoroughfareName contains “MAIN” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
DependentThoroughfareTrailingType | The trailing thoroughfare type indicator within the DependentThoroughfare field, should one exist. For instance, if DependentThoroughfare contains “N MAIN ST” DependentThoroughfareTrailingType contains “ST” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
DependentThoroughfarePostDirection | The postfix directional contained within the DependentThoroughfare field, should one exist. For instance, if DependentThoroughfare contains “MAIN ST N” DependentThoroughfarePostDirection contains “N” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
Building | The descriptive name identifying an individual location, should one exist. |
BuildingName | The name indicator within the Building field, should one exist. For instance, if Building contains “WESTMINSTER HOUSE” BuildingName contains “WESTMINSTER” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
BuildingLeadingType | The leading building type indicator within the Building field, should one exist. For instance, if Building contains “BLOC C” BuildingLeadingType contains “BLOC” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the particular country. |
BuildingTrailingType | The trailing building type indicator within the Building field, should one exist. For instance, if Building contains “WESTMINSTER HOUSE” BuildingTrailingType contains “HOUSE” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists within a particular country. |
SubBuilding | The secondary identifiers for a particular delivery point. For instance, FLAT 1 or SUITE 212. |
SubBuildingType | The leading sub-building type indicator within the SubBuilding field, should one exist. For instance, if SubBuilding contains “FLAT 1” SubBuildingType contains “FLAT” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists within a particular country. |
SubBuildingLeadingType | SubBuildingLeadingType - the type component of a SubBuilding (for example, FLAT if the SubBuilding is FLAT 1) |
SubBuildingNumber | The alphanumeric indicator within the SubBuilding field, should one exist. For instance, if SubBuilding contains “FLAT 1” SubBuildingNumber contains “1” if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists within a particular country. |
SubBuildingName | The descriptive name within the SubBuilding field. For instance, if SubBuilding contains “BASEMENT FLAT” SubBuildingName contains “BASEMENT FLAT”. |
AdministrativeArea | The most common geographic data element within a country. For instance, USA State, and Canadian Province. |
SuperAdministrativeArea | The largest geographic data element within a country. |
SubAdministrativeArea | The smallest geographic data element within a country. For instance, USA County. |
Latitude | If geocoding in enabled, licensed, and geocoding data is found, this is the latitude of the address. |
Longitude | If geocoding in enabled, licensed, and geocoding data is found, this is the longitude of the address. |
GeoAccuracy | The Loqate geocoding accuracy code |
GeoDistance | Records the radius of accuracy in meters, giving an indication of the likely maximum distance between the given geocode and the physical location |
AccuracyCode | Accuracy Code is the Loqate engine's assessment of how well it was able to parse, match and verify the input address. It contains multiple components which rate the success at various stages of the verification process. Full details can be found on www.loqate.com under Field Descriptions, Address Verification Code field. |
Unmatched | This field is used to enter unused input information. |
United Kingdom-Specific Output Fields
These United Kingdom (UK)-specific fields are available only under the following conditions:
- The ENHANCED advanced property is set to true
You have installed and licensed the UK MatchCode extension from Loqate
Field Name | Description |
AddressKey | When used in conjunction with the OrganizationKey, provides a unique reference number to every address on PAF. These keys are assigned by the Royal Mail. |
DPS | UK Delivery Point Suffix. A unique reference value assigned to each delivery point in the UK. |
DPSChecksum | The UK Barcode Checksum value or UK DPS Barcode checksum value. Calculated from the Post Code and the DPS. |
OrganizationKey | When used in conjunction with the AddressKey, provides a unique reference number to every address on PAF. These keys are assigned by the Royal Mail. |
TradCounty | Traditional county name |
TradNumber | Traditional county number |
UDPRN | UK Delivery Point reference number. A unique reference number assigned to each delivery point in the UK. |