Configuration Options for JMS Nodes
- Overview
- Minimum Options for JMS Nodes
- Options Common to All JMS Nodes
- Unique Options for JMS Reader Nodes
- Unique Options for JMS Writer Nodes
Options for JMS nodes can be set in the following ways:
- As an application default, by using the app.cfg file for Data Management Studio, Data Management Server, or both, depending on which of these applications is used to execute jobs with JMS nodes. For more information, see Set Up for JMS Nodes.
- On the command line, by using the dmpexec command. For more information, see Running Jobs from the Command Line.
- As a property of an individual node, by using the property window for the node.
The properties for an individual node take precedence over a job's command line options, which in turn take precedence over application defaults set in a an app.cfg file.
Some JMS options that are specified in an app.cfg file will appear as defaults when you add a new JMS node to a job. These are the options that are presented on the Messaging tab of the properties window for the JMS node.
If any options in an app.cfg file are changed, then Data Management Studio must be restarted to pick up the change.
Minimum Options for JMS Nodes
See Set Up for JMS Nodes.
Options Common to All JMS Nodes
Option | Example | Required/ Default |
Description |
JMS/CTXFACTORY | org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory | Yes / None | Fully qualified class name of the JNDI provider context factory. |
JMS/PROVIDERURL | jnp:// | Yes / None | Server host/port information for JNDI connection. |
JMS/FACTORY | /ConnectionFactory | No/ See Example | JNDI name of the JMS connection factory. |
JMS/DESTINATION | queue/RAM | Yes / None | JNDI name for the JMS destination. |
JMS/CONNOPTS | | No / None | Space-separated string of key=value pairs used to create the initial JNDI context. (JNDI-instance-specific options that might be required for a client to make a JNDI connection) |
JMS/DOMAIN | SAS | No / None | Domain associated with logged in user for credentials lookup. |
JMS/USER | Ram | No / None | User ID for connecting to the JMS provider. |
JMS/PASSWD | n1mTIKF7 | No / None | Password for connecting to the JMS provider. The password is encrypted with the SAS proprietary tools for encryption: encryptPassword.exe for Windows and dmsadmin crypt for Unix. |
JMS/EOF_MODE | value | No / None | This and the next option allow to define an EOF marker to recognize in consumed messages (no more messages will arrive), and to set in produced messages (no more messages will be sent). Can be set to one of three values null (a message with NULL body serves as EOF), empty (a message with an empty string body serves as EOF), value (enables EOF_VALUE option). Any other value is ignored (option is not set). The three values are compared case-insensitively. |
JMS/EOF_VALUE | TheEnd | No / None | If EOF_MODE is set to value, message's body will be case-insensitively string-compared with EOF_VALUE setting to determine if the message is an EOF marker. |
JMS/FLD_MESSAGE | Message | No/ See Example | Name of field (data nodes) or input/output (process nodes) containing message body. |
JMS/FLD_PROPS | MsgSrcHost MsgSrcOS | No / None | Space-separated list of message's properties names; each will become node's input/output field. An element in the list (message's property name) can contain only alphanumeric and underscore characters. |
JMS/FLD_CORRLID | MsgCorrelationID | No / None | Name of field containing message header's correlation ID value. |
JMS/FLD_TYPE | MsgFieldType | No / None | Name of field containing message header's type value. |
Unique Options for JMS Reader Nodes
Option | Example | Required/ Default |
Description |
JMS/CONSUMER/SELECTOR | JMSPriority=9 AND Shares>100 | No / None | Filter string in SQL-92 conditional expression syntax to restrict messages received by the node. Only message header or properties elements can be used. Errors in the filter string are reported during node's initialization. |
JMS/CONSUMER/DURABLE_NAME | RAM | No / None | Set a unique name for a durable subscription to a topic. If durable subscription fails the node will not initialize (see log for error). |
JMS/CONSUMER/DURABLE_CLID | myIDstring | No / None | Checked only if DURABLE_NAME is configured. Sets a JMS client ID string for cases where JMS Provider does not have one. If client ID string is set on both ends or on neither end the initialization will fail. In vast majority of cases JMS Provider will already have it configured. |
JMS/CONSUMER/FLD_MSGID | MsgID | No / None | Name of field containing unique message header's ID value (set by JMS Provider). |
JMS/CONSUMER/TIMEOUT | -1 | No / See Example | How long to wait for a message to arrive. -1=>forever. 0=>return EOF if no message is immediately available. >0=>number of milliseconds to wait for a message (after which return EOF). |
JMS/CONSUMER/MAXMSGLEN | 1024 | No / 512 | Maximum number of characters in a message (additional characters are truncated). |
JMS/CONSUMER/MAXPROPLEN | 32 | No / 64 | Maximum number of characters in any of message properties (additional characters are truncated). |
JMS/CONSUMER/FLD_MSGTRUNC | MsgTrunced | No / None | Name of field containing a Boolean flag for whether outputted message was truncated. |
Unique Options for JMS Writer Nodes
Option | Example | Required/ Default |
Description |
JMS/PRODUCER/PERSIST | yes | No / See Example | Message delivery persistence mode. Recognized values are yes and no (case-insensitive). |
JMS/PRODUCER/TIMETOLIVE | 1000 | No / 0 | Default length of time, in milliseconds, that a message is retained by the message provider. Defaults to 0 (as per JMS - no limit). It is a good practice to set some expiration value on all messages. |
JMS/PRODUCER/PRIORITY | 4 | No / See Example | Message priority, 0 through 9, where a larger number indicates higher priority. |
JMS/PRODUCER/BUF_SIZE | 10 | No / 0 | Maximum number of messages to buffer before passing them from C++ layer to Java. Defaults to 0 (no buffer). |
JMS/PRODUCER/FLD_PROPS_MAP | No / None | (AVAILABLE ON DATA NODE ONLY) Mapping from parent node output field names to strings to be used as message property names (if output field names have characters disallowed in property names). If this mapping contains any rows the value of FLD_PROPS is ignored. (Not needed in process node as inputs of a node can be named independently of outputs to which those inputs are mapped; hence, valid message property name characters can be used when naming those inputs.) |
JMS/PRODUCER/MSG_TEXT | Job is running | No / None | (AVAILABLE ON DATA NODE ONLY) Static text string to send as message body. This option or FLD_MESSAGE must be specified, but not both. With this option set the node can be used without a parent. (Not needed in process node as the existing FLD_MESSAGE input can be set to a static text string value.) |