NCOA Inputs and Outputs
The Address Update Lookup node can accept the inputs are listed in following table:
Index | Use |
0 | Addressee name |
1 | Address (Street address) |
2 | Last Line (City, state, ZIP) |
The outputs from the Address Update Lookup node are listed in following table:
Name | ADDRESSEE | Addressee name (copied from input) |
Address | ADDRESS | Address line that includes the street name |
Lastline | LASTLINE | Address last line that includes the City, State, and ZIP |
CRID | CRID | Carrier route ID of the changed address (if found) |
Delivery Point | DELIVPT | Delivery point of the changed address (if found) |
Delivery Check | DPCD | Delivery point check digit |
Move Type | MOVETYPE | Move type including Family, Business, Individual (F,B, I) |
Result | RESULT | NCOA lookup result code |
NCOA Data Date | DATADATE | NCOA data date |
NCOA DVD Release Date | NCOARELEASEDT | NCOA link data release date |
Primary | PRIMARY | Street address primary number |
Street Name | STREETNAME | Street name |
Suffix | SUFFIX | Street address suffix |
Descriptor | DESCRIPTOR | Street address descriptor |
Secondary | SECONDARY | Street address secondary |
City | CITY | City name |
State | STATEABBR | State abbreviation |
Zip | ZIP5 | Standard zipcode |
Zip4 | ZIP4 | ZIP + 4 |
Move Effective Date | MED | Move effective date (YYYMM) |
MED Excluded | MEDEXCL | Address was matched but excluded from results due to M.E.D. filter: 'Y' or 'N' |
Urbanization | URBANIZATION | Urbanization (PR) name |
Street Address Pre directional | PREDIR | Pre-directional street address |
Street Address Post directional | POSTDIR | Post-directional street address |