Update Rows Tab
You can use the Update Rows tab to define the target table, the affected fields, and the WHERE clauses included in an Update Rows node in a process job. (The Update Rows node is used to construct an update against a target table.) The Update Rows tab contains the following elements:
- Target Table - Selects the table that you want to update. Click Open Table to review its data. Click Options to specify options for the target table.
- Set - Specifies one or more fields to be updated. You can use the tools to add, delete, edit, and navigate among the fields. You can set the value of a field as follows: select a field (such as another field to compare to), define a case statement, and define a subquery or expression.
- Where - By default, specifies that all rows in the table should be modified. Deselect All rows to create WHERE clauses that will confine the updates to a subset of the target table. For information about creating WHERE clauses, see Where Tab.