Accessing Documentation for QKBs

From Help Menus

The online documentation for a Quality Knowledge Base is installed when the software is installed. One way to display help for a QKB is to right-click a registered QKB on the Administration tab and then select Open QKB Help from the context menu. You can also click the QKB and then select Open QKB Help from the action menu on the toolbar on the left or right.

From the File System

You can use a web browser to open the documentation at one of the following default locations.

Under UNIX: <SASHome>/SASQualityKnowledgeBase/<type>/<version>/qkb/doc/html

Under Windows, for QKB CI 22 and later: 

drive:\Program Files\SAS\QKB\<type><version>_<unique_identifier>\doc\html\qltykb1000.html

Under Windows, for CI 2010B to QKB CI 2013A: 

drive:\Program Files\SAS\QKB\<type>\<version>\doc\html\qltykb1000.html

Under Windows, for QKB CI 2010A and earlier: 

drive:\Program Files\SAS\QltyKB\<type>\<version>\Help\QKB\qltykb1000.html

For information about customizing QKBs, see Managing Quality Knowledge Bases.