Manage Data Types

The Manage Data Types dialog presents a list of the data types that are available to the locale that you have selected in the tree for your QKB. To view the properties for a data type, click on the data type in the list. The name of the data type is shown in the Properties area, along with data type’s tokens and the locale with which the data type is associated.

To rename a data type, type a new name in the Name edit box. To edit the data type’s tokens, use the Add a token, Edit a token, and Delete a token buttons on the right side of the Tokens list. Be aware that if you rename a token, the new name for that token will be used in every definition that belongs to the data type you are editing.

Note that you cannot change the locale with which a data type is associated. If you need to associate a data type with a locale, you must create a new data type for that locale. Select the locale in the tree for your QKB, open the Manage Data Types dialog, and create a new data type.

To create a new data type, select Global, a language, or a locale in the Quality Knowledge Bases tree on the left, then select Manage Data Types in the action menu on the lower toolbar on the right. In the Manage Data Types dialog click New data type in the toolbar, or select New data type in the action menu. A new data type is added to the list. The new data type is selected so that its properties are displayed.

You must add at least one token in order to save the new data type. When creating a new data type, you can choose for the data type to be associated with the currently selected locale or with any of the locale’s ancestors . You may wish to associate the new data type with an ancestor if you wish for the data type to be available in other locales via inheritance. Note that after you save the new data type, you cannot change the locale property.

To make a copy of a data type, select a data type and then click the Duplicate icon in the toolbar, or select Duplicate in the action menu. A copy of the data type is added to the list, with a counter number added to the end of the data type’s name.

To delete a data type, select the data type and click the Delete icon in the toolbar or select Delete in the action menu. If any definitions belong to the selected data type, a dialog appears listing those definitions: The dialog warns that if you delete the data type, all of these definitions will also be deleted. Click Delete to confirm the deletion, or click Cancel to cancel the operation.