Concatenation Node
Concatenate substrings together into a single string.
- In Case definitions, the chopped and processed substrings are reassembled in the same order and with the same inter-word (between words) whitespace as before chopping.
- In Standardization definitions, the outputs of each token group are concatenated. The separating characters between each token are specified in the node.
- Within Standardization definitions, there will be no output when the tokenization definition specified has no solutions.
Used in:
Case Definitions
Standardization Definitions
A table with three columns:
- The first column does not have a name. It specifies to use separator strings before the selected tokens. Select the checkbox on the row for the separator to be used before the respective token.
- Token: specifies the name of the token to which the separator can be applied.
- Separator: specifies the characters in the separator string, which appears before the token's output string when the row is checked.
Click the up and down arrows to change the order of the tokens in the concatenated string.
To modify a separator value, click on the column in the table and modify the value.
The message "Changes applied" always appears, since concatenation always happens.
The string after concatenation.