DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide


The Options dialog enables you to set options for the processing initiated by a Data Union node that has been added to a data job. Note that Most of these radio buttons do not change the outcome of the Suggest function. The behavior of the middle arrow in Data Union Properties dialog is controlled by the configuration of the items on this dialog. Note that the radio buttons affect only the selected items in the two data sources. The Options dialog includes the following elements:

Add all fields - Adds all selected fields in the two data sources to the union. This option requires that the unpaired field(s) also be added to the union.

Add matching fields only - Adds only matching fields from the selected entries in data sources to the union.

Match by ordinal position - Matches the selected fields by ordinal position in the selection list, and add the pairs to the union.

Match by field name - Matches the fields from the Left table and Right table fields by name, and add the matched pairs to the union. Case sensitivity is controlled by the Perform case insensitive option.

Perform case insensitive comparisons - When selected, specifies that field names in a match operation do not have to be case sensitive. (The match is case sensitive by default.)

Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: dfU_PFUtil_UnionOpt.html