DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Filter Dialog

You can use the Filters dialog to specify filtering conditions for a selected data connection in the Data tree. The dialog contains the following elements:

None - When selected, specifies that no filter is applied to the data connection.

Default application filter - When selected, specifies that the default application filter is applied to the data connection.

The Local filter group box contains options used when you create a local filter. The group box supports filtering by table name, schema name, or both. It includes the following elements:

Local filter - When selected, specifies that a local filter is created and applied to the data connection.

Table name - When selected, specifies that the names of one or more tables are used in the local filter.

Exclude - When selected, excludes the specified tables from the filtered results. Exclude filters are case insensitive.

Include - When selected, includes the specified tables in the filtered results. Include filters might be case-sensitive depending on the database driver used for processing.

Prefix - Specifies one or more prefixes from table names that are used in the local filter (values separated by commas).

Substring - Specifies one or more substrings from table names that are used in the local filter (values separated by commas).

Suffix - Specifies one or more suffixes from table names that are used in the local filter (values separated by commas). Note that the drivers for some databases do not support filtering for substrings.

Schema name - When selected, specifies that the names of one or more schemas are used in the local filter.

Exclude - When selected, excludes the specified schemas from the filtered results. Exclude filters are case insensitive.

Include - When selected, includes the specified schemas from the filtered results. Include filters might be case-sensitive depending upon the database driver used for processing.

Name - Specifies the names of one or more schemas that are used in the local filter.

The remaining elements apply to the entire local filter:

Maximum observations - Specifies the maximum number of observations that are included in the filtered results.

Table type - Specifies the table type used in the filter.

Reset to Default - Restores the elements in the Local filter group box to their default values.

Documentation Feedback:
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Doc ID: dfU_Filter.html