DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Using Reference Sources


A reference source is a third-party database that can be used to verify addresses or other elements in your data. For example, if you have installed USPS Data on your system, you can reference this resource in a number of data job nodes and dialogs that are used to verify addresses. Some data job nodes, such as the Address Verification US/Canada node and the US City/State/Zip Lookup node in the Enrichment folder, enable you to specify a reference source in the advanced properties for the node. Other components, such as the Verify Individual US/Canadian Addresses dialog, depend on reference sources that are registered in the Reference Sources folder on the Administration riser bar.

Registering Reference Sources on the Administration Riser Bar

You can use the context menus and controls that are associated with the Reference Sources folder to register the physical path to reference sources that have been installed at your site. You can also mark a default reference source, remove a reference source, and verify individual US or Canadian addresses if the appropriate reference source is installed. Currently, the supported reference sources are USPS Data, Canada Post Data, Geo+Phone Data, and World Data. You cannot use the standard features in Data Management Studio to directly access or modify these reference sources.

The Verify Individual US/Canadian Addresses dialog depends on reference sources that are registered in the Reference Sources folder. You can display this dialog in two ways: 

Using Reference Sources in Data Job Nodes

Some data job nodes, such as the Address Verification US/Canada node and the US City/State/Zip Lookup node in the Enrichment folder, enable you to specify a reference source in the advanced properties for the node. For example, suppose that you wanted to use the Address Verification US/Canada node to verify the addresses in a table of customers who live in the United States. If the USPS Data reference is available on your site, you could create a job in which the customer table is an input to the Address Verification US/Canada node. You could right-click the address node, select Advanced Properties, and then use the USPS_PATH variable to specify the location of the USPS Data reference.

Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: dfDMStd_Task_ref_data_sources.html