DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Execute Custom Metric Node

You can use the Execute Custom Metric node to select an existing custom metric and apply it to a set of data in a data job. This node extends the usage of custom metrics beyond group and set rules and data profiling. For an example of how this node is used in a job, see Using the Execute Custom Metric Node.

Name - specifies the name of the node in the current job. Use any name that helps you understand the role of this node in the current job.

Custom Metric - enables you to select a previously-defined custom metric. The custom metric must be stored in the same repository as the current data job.

Metric Input - lists the input fields that have been defined in the selected metric. These input fields in metric must be mapped to fields in the input table.

Field Name - maps fields in the input table to fields that have been defined in the selected metric.

Metric Output - lists the output fields that have been defined in the selected metric. Each output field in the metric must be mapped to a new field that you specify for the output table.

Field Name - specifies one or more new fields for the output table that corresponds to the outputs that have been defined in the selected metric.

Return Status Field - when selected, a status field that you specify will contain the return value of the expression for the metric. If this option is not checked, then any value that returns false will be filtered out.

Pushed Row Status Field - when selected, a status field that you specify will contain a value of True or False. True indicates that the current row contains the output of the calculation performed by the custom metric. False indicates that the current row does not contain the output of the calculation performed by the custom metric.

Additional Outputs - enables you to select additional fields from the input table that you want to appear in the output table for the Execute Custom Metric node.

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Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: dfDMStd_PFMon_CustMetricEx.html