DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Messaging Tab

Use this tab to specify messaging options for the JMS Reader node for data jobs. These options enable the node to communicate with a JMS messaging system. For more information about the options in this tab, see Configuration Options for JMS Nodes.

If you see a set of default options when you add a new node to a job, then these defaults have been specified in a configuration file. For more information, see Set Up for JMS Nodes.


Output field name - name of the field that contains the message body to be read.

Specify maximum length (chars) - maximum number of characters read before the message is truncated. Default is 512.

Specify timeout (ms) - how long to wait for a message to arrive. Valid values are: -1=>forever. 0=>return EOF if no message is immediately available. >0=>number of milliseconds to wait for a message (after which return EOF). See Design Considerations When Using JMS Reader Nodes in Data Jobs.

JNDI Connection

Initial context factory - fully-qualified class name of the JNDI provider context factory.

Provider URL - server host and port information for JNDI connection.

Connection factory - JNDI name of the JMS connection factory.

JMS destination - JNDI name for the JMS destination.


EOF Marker - This and the next option allow to define an EOF marker to recognize in consumed messages (no more messages will arrive). Can be set to one of three values: null (a message with NULL body serves as EOF); empty (a message with an empty string body serves as EOF), or value (enables EOF_VALUE option). Any other value is ignored (option is not set). This field is case-insensitive. See Design Considerations When Using JMS Reader Nodes in Data Jobs.

Values - If EOF Marker is set to value, then the message's body will be compared with the EOF Marker setting to determine if the message is an EOF marker. The comparison is a case-insensitive string comparison.

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Doc ID: dfDMStd_DJ_JMS_ReaderMessTab.html