DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Scheme Builder - Menus

Following are descriptions of the menus on the Profile - Viewer Scheme Builder screen. You can access this screen from the Profile - Viewer main screen by selecting a field for which you want to build a scheme, and then choosing Tools > Scheme Builder.


New - Start a new scheme.

Open - Retrieve an existing scheme.

Close - Close the current scheme.

Save - Save the current scheme.

Save As - Save the current scheme with a new file name.

Note Note: Schemes will be saved with a .qkb extension. Any scheme created in earlier versions will be saved as .qkb file when it is open and saved. You will see a dialog when you try to save the new scheme. If you save this file in the new format, you will not be able to access the scheme in earlier versions of DataFlux Data Management Studio. Click Yes to save the scheme under the new format or No if you do not want to save in the new format.

Print - Print the current scheme.

Import From A Text File - Import a scheme using the Import From Text File screen.

Import N-Grams - Import N-Grams from a text file. N-Grams are used to analyze a string and guess its language. For more information, see Using N-Grams in Language Guess Definitions.

Export to Text File - Export the current scheme as a scheme text file.

Export to Excel Worksheet - Export the current scheme as a Microsoft Excel worksheet.

Exit - Close the Scheme Builder screen.


Add - Add an entry to the current scheme.

Edit - Edit the selected scheme entry.

Delete - Delete the selected scheme entry.

Clear - Clear the selected scheme entry.

Paste - Paste into the Standard box at the bottom of the screen the latest string copied to the Windows Clipboard.

Find In Data - Use the Find screen to find a string in your data.

Find In Standard - Use the Find screen to find a string in the current scheme.

Sort By Data - Sort the current scheme alphanumerically by the data.

Sort By Standard - Sort the current scheme alphanumerically by the standard.

Reset - Clear the current scheme.

Build Scheme - Use Smart Clustering Data Analysis results to attempt to build a scheme automatically. This can serve as a starting point and greatly reduce your manual scheme building effort.

Modify Standards Manually - Specify whether to manually modify a single instance or all instances.


Toolbar - Show/hide the toolbar.

Status Bar - Show/hide the status bar.


Load Report - Retrieve a previously saved Scheme Builder report.

Save Report - Save the current Scheme Builder report.

Find In Report - Use the Scheme Builder Find screen to find a string in the current report.

Add Selection to Scheme - After performing a data analysis, you can select multiple data permutations in the results. This option adds all selected permutations to the current scheme, along with the value in the Standard box at the bottom of the screen.

Set Current as Standard - Set the selected permutation as the standard value of the corresponding data element(s) selected in the Scheme Builder report for the scheme entry.

Compare Report to Scheme - Use these options when you want to compare the data from the current report to a scheme. They are enabled only when a scheme has been loaded.

Hide Existing Permutations - Hides any data in the report that is already contained in the scheme. You will see only the data that has not already been added.

Highlight Unaccounted Permutations - When available, highlights all the data in the report that has not already been added to the scheme, in order to quickly identify what data has (or has not) been accounted for.

Print Report - Print the current Scheme Builder report.

Export Report - Export the current Scheme Builder report as a text file.

Sort Mode

Alphabetically - Sorts data results alphabetically.

By Occurrence - Sorts data results by occurrence.

Permutation Drill Down - Display the records in the current database that contain the selected data-analysis permutation.


Set QKB Locale - Set your Quality Knowledge Base (QKBClosed) to the appropriate locale.

Note Note: To select a locale, you must have that locale installed.

Merge Schemes - Merge two existing schemes into a third scheme.

Generate SQL - Create a file of SQL commands that can reproduce the effects of using the current scheme.

Options - Use the Options screen to set Scheme Builder options.

Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: DMCust_SchBldr_20001.html