DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

ess verification Export and Import QKB Definition Usage Notes

Avoid Using the "Replace existing items of same name if possible" Option

In the current release, avoid using the Replace existing items of same name if possible option on the second page of the Import Definitions wizard. In some cases with the option enabled, the import may fail with no errors reported.

Exporting from CI 2010A or Earlier

When exporting from QKB CI 2010A or earlier and importing into a QKB CI 2010B or later, exported libraries which are in the L1, L2, LS, LC or L5 encoding will have their names mangled, and they will be placed into the Global locale of the imported QKB.

Name Mangling

If an imported definition has the same name as a definition in the target QKB, and the two definitions are incompatible, the name of the imported definition is "mangled" to prevent the imported definition from overwriting the target definition.

A mangled definition name has the following format:

<original_name> (<unique_number>)


<original_name> is the original name of the imported definition.

<unique_number> is a counter number which is incremented as needed to ensure the resulting definition name is unique.

When you import a QKB definition, you also import its libraries, such as schemes or chop table libraries. As with definitions, if an imported library has the same name as a library in the target QKB, the name of the imported library is mangled to prevent it from overwriting the target library.

A mangled library name has the following format:

<original_name> (<unique_number>) (<iso_code>)


<original_name> is the original name of the imported library.

<unique_number> is a counter number which is incremented as needed to ensure the resulting library name is unique.

<iso_code> is the ISO code of the QKB locale with which the library is associated (for instance, ENUSA for the English (United States) locale).

For example, suppose definition Foo is associated with the English (United States) locale, and Foo uses a scheme named Bar which is also associated with the English (United States) locale. Assume Foo and Bar are exported and are later imported into a QKB that also contains Foo and Bar. If the imported items are determined to be incompatible with the target items, then the names of the imported items will be changed to Foo (2) and Bar (2) (ENUSA), respectively.

How the Import Definitions Wizard Counts Imported Definitions

Status messages on the last page of the import wizard show the number of definitions that have been added, mangled, or not added. In these messages, each incoming definition is counted as one. Accordingly, if the export archive contains a single definition that is imported into six locales, it counts as one definition, not six.

If a definition was not added anywhere, it counts as one definition not added. If the definition was mangled in any of the locales, it counts as one definition mangled. Otherwise if the definition was added in any of the locales, it counts as one definition added.

Importing Definitions

When you import definitions, you must ensure that the version of DataFlux Data Management Studio that you use to perform the import is newer than the version of DataFlux Data Management Studio that was used to export the definitions. The version includes any fixes or patches.

Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: DMCust_QKBUsage_Imp_Exp.html