DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Phonetics Editor - Creating Phonetics Files

  1. Open the Phonetics Editor. On the Customize main screen, select Tools > Phonetics Editor. The Phonetics Editor dialog opens.
  2. Set Your Locale. Select Options > Set Locale. The Select Locale dialog opens. Select the appropriate locale and click OK. The locale setting is saved from session to session, so you do not need to specify it again unless you need to build a Phonetics file for a different locale.
  3. Create a New Phonetics File. Select File > New.
  4. Create Phonetics Rules. Select Edit > Add Rule. The Add Rule dialog opens. Specify Rule Text and Replacement Text, and then click OK. Set Priority and any flags. (For more information on Phonetics rules, see Components of a Rule).

    To add another rule/row, select Edit > Add Rule again. Be aware that the new row will be added after the current row. This allows you to place the new rule in the desired location sequentially within the library. Repeat this process until you have defined all desired rules.
  5. Save Your Phonetics File. Select File > Save. Because this is a new Phonetics file, the Phonetics Editor will prompt you for a file name.
  6. Test Your Phonetics File. At the bottom of the Phonetics Editor is a Test Area. This area allows you to supply sample input strings to test your Phonetics rules. Type an input string and observe the result. If the result is not what you intended, you can modify your rules and re-test. The Test Area also displays the previous string and result so you can make comparisons.

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Doc ID: DMCust_Phon_17001.html