DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Parse Definition Quick Editor - Save or Save As

To save your new parse definition in the Parse Definition Quick Editor, click File > Save or File > Save As.

Important Important: Make sure you complete all steps in the Parse Definition Quick Editor prior to saving your parse definition.

Parse Definition

Name - Type a Name for your new Parse Definition.

Data type - Click the ClosedData Type drop-down list to select the data type for this Parse Definition. The options include:
New - To create a new data type, click New. The ClosedNew Data Type dialog opens.

Default Categories

Category - This is the category name from your data source.

Likelihood - This column represents the likelihood that a word belongs in a particular category. The options include: Very Low, Low, Medium, High, and Very High.

Add - Click Add to add a category for the selected word. The Add Default Category dialog opens.

Edit - If you have multiple categories for a particular word, select the category you want to edit, and then click Edit. The Edit Default Category dialog opens.

Delete - Select the category you want to delete and click Delete.


Chop Table - Click the Browse icon to select the Chop Table where you want this Parse Definition saved.

Note Note: The Chop Table selected when creating the new Parse Definition automatically appears in this field.

Normalization Regexlib - Click the Browse icon to select the Normalization Regexlib where you want this Parse Definition saved.

Note Note: The Normalization Regexlib selected when creating the new Parse Definition automatically appears in this field.

Grammar - Click the Browse icon to select the Grammar where this new Parse Definition will be saved.

Vocabulary - Click the Browse icon to select the Vocabulary where this new Parse Definition will be saved.

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Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: DMCust_PDQE_13007.html