DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Parse Definition Quick Editor - Categorization and Rule Building

The Categorization and Rule Building tab shows the results after the new parse definition is applied to your data.

The columns include:


The Word/Category table displays the parsed entry. If there is a grammar rule related to the word, it displays in the table. Each step displays how the final definition arrived at the results from the previous definitions and processed components.

You can click an entry to see the Word/Category at the bottom of the screen.


Right-click on the Word.

Adjust Chopping - Use this option to make changes to the way the Parse Definition Quick Editor separates the item.


Right-click on the Category:

Assign Basic Category - A basic category is a category representing a single word. Basic categories are the basic building blocks of Grammar rules.

Create Category - Select Create Category to add a basic category. The Add Category dialog opens.

Click OK and you will see the new Category assigned. In this example, ABBOTT is assigned the category of LASTNAME.

NUM (Number) - Use this category when you have a number as a part of the data (for example, in an address).

Unassign Basic Category - When you have a basic category you want to remove, right-click the word and select Unassign Basic Category to return to the default category.

Add Rule to Derived Category - Once a category is created, you can select the category and right-click Add Rule to Derived Category to create an additional category.

Note Note: A rule must be associated with the Derived Category prior to saving the parse definition.

Remove Rule from Derived Category - To delete a derived category, right-click on the category to select Remove Rule from Derived Category.

Derive Root Category from Rule - Select this option to assign your derived rule to the root rule used for parsing.

Remove Rule from Root Category - Select the rule you want to remove from the root category, right-click and select Remove Rule from Root Category.

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Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: DMCust_PDQE_13001.html