DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Suggestions Node

The Suggestions Node is used to configure the suggestion-based matching mechanism for the tokens in a match definition. The matching rules that you configure apply only to the token in which the Suggestion Node is defined. Each token in a match definition can have their own Suggestions Node.

Used in:

For more information on this node type, see Suggestion-Based Matching.


Sample pronunciations scheme:

Select a pronunciations scheme to use. The pronunciations scheme defines the pronunciation of some words so that suggestions can be generated with phonetically equivalent characters. A sample pronunciations scheme is required.

Click Open scheme to edit the selected scheme in the Scheme Builder.Known words scheme:


Known words scheme:

Select a known words scheme to use. The known words scheme defines the words or terms that represent possible suggestions that may be output by this node.

Click Open scheme to edit the selected scheme.


Select the Fuzziness level for the Suggestion Node, one of High, Medium, Low, or Custom. Each setting encompasses a set of values for many individual configuration parameters. The High level provides the highest accuracy, while the Low level requires the least computation time. The Medium level is a reasonable compromise. These settings are not guaranteed to perform well, or even sensibly, for arbitrary data. For better results, it might be necessary to configure the individual parameters. To configure individual configuration parameters, select Custom. Selecting Custom opens the Fuzziness editor. The Fuzziness editor enables you to view parameter settings for the High, Medium, and Low fuzziness levels, in addition to selecting customized values.

Sensitivity range:

Select the upper and lower values of the sensitivity range in which suggestions will be output by this node.

Suggestions are case sensitive

If this check box is not selected, the incoming token will be uppercased at the input to the Suggestions node.

Do not use phonetics analysis if suggestions are found

If this check box is selected, the Phonetics Libraries further down in the match definition flow will not take effect whenever there is at least one suggestion output by the Suggestions node (other than the input token itself). This is useful when converting an existing match definition that uses Phonetics Libraries because those phonetics rules tend to overly reduce the string.



If any node in the group matched the input, the message, "Changes applied", is displayed. Otherwise, the message is "No changes applied".

Rule menu

Use the menu to choose a rule (from among all the Token Combination Rules, plus the default rule) for which to display results. The result will change depending on which rule is selected.


The string before entering this node.


The string after the rules defined in the node were applied.

Raw score

The score when no rules were applied.

Rule-Weighted Score

The score after the rules were applied.

Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: DMCust_12353.html