DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.7: User Guide
Add a new grammar or update an existing grammar when the categories and rules in existing grammars do not meet your needs. To understand grammars, see the help for the Grammar Editor. See also the existing grammars on the Grammars tab. Use these sources to plan the basic categories, derived categories, and rules that you need.
Note: The implementation of a grammar can be a complex task. If you are unfamiliar with grammars, you might want to attend a SAS QKB Customization training course. For information about training courses available from SAS, contact SAS Technical Support.
This topic describes how to add a new grammar file to a locale in a QKB and add some basic categories. One reason to do this would be that you are adding a new vocabulary, and you need a new grammar and some basic categories to match the semantic types of the words in the new vocabulary.
The next display shows some of the basic categories listed in the EN Business Title grammar in the English locale in the SAS Quality Knowledge Base for Contact Information 24.
EN Business Title Grammar and Its Basic Categories
Two of the semantic types represented in the previous display are DEPT_W (Department Word) and GRADE_W (Grade Word).
Perform the following steps to add a new grammar file to a locale in a QKB and add some basic categories. It is assumed that you have opened the QKB from the Administration Riser, and the Grammars tab is displayed.
This topic describes how to add derived category to an existing grammar file. One reason to do this would be that you want to create a rule for a new string pattern such as [Name] > [Given Name] [Family Name].
Derived categories represent sets of one or more rules that specify patterns that define a semantic concept. A pattern in a rule consists of one or more basic categories and/or other derived categories. For example, the next display shows the Occupation derived category.
Occupation Derived Category and Its Rules
The Occupation derived category can be derived by any of a number of rules, such as POSITION SEP_W DEPARTMENT. Each rule specifies a pattern containing one or more basic or derived categories, plus a Priority value.
Perform the following steps to add a derived category and some rules to an existing grammar file. It is assumed that you have opened the QKB from the Administration Riser, and the Grammars tab is displayed. It is assumed that you have a general idea what new rules you want to create, such as a rule for a string pattern such as [Name] > [Given Name] [Family Name].
You can update categories and rules from the context menu or from the Edit menu in the Edit Grammar dialog. For example, to add a category to a grammar, right-click a parent folder and select Add Category. Alternatively, select a parent folder, then select Edit > Add Category from the menu.
To change the abbreviation for a category, right-click a category and select Change Category Abbreviation.
To duplicate a category, right-click a category and select Duplicate Category. If the category is a derived category, all of the category's rules are also duplicated.
To add a rule, right-click a derived category and select Add Rule.
To copy and paste a rule, right-click a rule and select Copy Rule. Then select another derived category and select Paste Rule.
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Doc ID: dfU_Cstm_Gram_15001.html |