DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.7: User Guide

Address Verification (World 2) Node

You can use the Address Verification (World 2) node in a data job to validate, correct, or complete the address format of your input records. The node uses Address Doctor 5 software to process the addresses, so you must install Address Doctor 5 software before you can use this node. For more information about using this node, see Working with the Address Verification (World 2) Node.

The properties dialog for this node includes the following elements:

Name - Specifies a name for the node in the context of the current data job.

Notes - Enables you to open the Notes dialog. You use the dialog to enter optional details or any other relevant information for the input.

Parameter XML file - Specifies a path to the file that contains the parameters for this node, in XML format. The parameter file specifies information such as the process mode and whether or not geocoding will be used.

Parameter XML - Enables you to enter parameters for this node, in XML format. Specifying a file in the previous field will override any parameters entered into this field.

Ignore errors in processing - When selected, specifies that errors should be ignored during processing.

Input fields - Enables you to map the input fields from your data source to input types that are required by the Address Verification (World 2) node. This mapping determines what address fields will be processed by the node. To specify an input type for a selected field, click the Edit button beside the Input fields list box. Use the Edit Input dialog to select values in the following columns: 

Output fields - Enables you to specify outputs for this node. Example outputs include address elements (such as COUNTRY) and parameters (such as Mailability Score). To specify an output, click the Add button beside the Output fields list box. Use the Edit Output dialog to select values in the following columns:

When designing a job that will use the Address Verification (World 2) node, make sure that all selected output values will be returned for each address. If a field is not returned, then this could create an error when the job runs. An example of where this could happen is with geocoding. If the geocode output elements are included as output, but a country has not been licensed for geocoding results, the node will throw an error. Make sure that enough data has been run through the node before promoting a job to production.

Additional Outputs - Displays the Additional Outputs dialog. This dialog enables you to select input fields from your data source and specify them as outputs for the Address Verification (World 2) node.

You can access the following advanced properties by right-clicking the Address Verification (World 2) node:

Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: dfDMStd_PFEnrich_AddVerWorld2.html