DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.7: User Guide
In a Preprocessing group, the Transformation Scheme Node performs preprocessing on the input string prior to parsing.
Used in:
Select a scheme to use. Click Open scheme to edit the selected scheme in the Scheme Editor.
Select this check box if the case of the input string must match the case of the entry in the scheme in order for the input string to be transformed.
Select Substring to apply the scheme to all substrings of the input. Select Full Phrase to apply the scheme to the input as a whole.
If the scheme matches the input, the message is "Changes applied". Otherwise, the message will be, "No changes applied".
The input after transformation.
Note: The result may be the same as the input even though "Changes applied" appears in the message, if the scheme transforms the input to itself.
Documentation Feedback:
Doc ID: DMCust_12342.html |