DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.6: User Guide

Token Combination Rules Group

Contains any Token Combination Rule Nodes that you add to your match definition. At the group level, you can control the generation of match codes for the default rule, and assign a weight number to the match code of the default rule.

The default rule is defined by the default combination of tokens, as defined in the match code, with no actions taken on those tokens.

Until you add your first Token Combination Rule node, the group node is empty and its properties are disabled.

Used in:


Never evaluate default rule if there are any token combination rules defined

Select this check box to not generate a match code for the default rule, based on the existence of token combination rules (which can be inactive.)

Do not evaluate default rule if any token combination rules are applied to the input

Select this check box to not generate a match code for the default rule if a token combination rule has been applied, as opposed to a rule simply being defined.

Weight of default rule

Specifies a number from 0-100 that appears in the output along with the match code for the default rule. Assign weight values to the default rule and to the token combination rules to resolve clusters.



If any node in the group matches the input, "Changes were applied". Otherwise, the message will be, "No changes were applied".


The output of the last node in the group. If there are no nodes, then the input of the group is the output.

Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: DMCust_12356.html