Chapter Contents



Release 7.50 Changes to the SAS/C Library Reference, Volume 2

Updates to Header Files in Function Examples

In Chapter 20, "POSIX Function Reference," replace the examples for the chpriority, getpgid, and getsid functions with the examples that are provided here.


| POSIX/UNIX header files    |
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
| ISO/ANSI header files      |
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
| Name:     main             |
| Returns: exit(EXIT_SUCCESS)|
| or exit(EXIT_FAILURE)      |
int main()
/* generic return code      */
   int rc;
/* which kind of process    */
/* id to use                */
   int kind;
 /* process id              */
   pid_t id;
/* is oeprty relative or    */
/* absolute                 */
   int form;
/* process priority         */
/* (version 1)              */
   int prty1;

/* process priority         */
/* (version 2)              */
   int prty2;

/* process id from getpid() */
   pid_t pid;

/* process group id from     */
/* getpgid()                 */
   pid_t pgid;

/* process user id from      */
/* getuid()                  */
   uid_t uid;
/* get the user id for this   */
/* process                    */
   uid = getuid();
/* get the process id for     */
/* this process               */
   pid = getpid();
/* get the group process id   */
/* for this process  */
   pgid = getpgid(pid);
   if (pgid == -1)
    perror("Call to getpgid failed");
   printf("      The process id: %d\n",
   printf("The process group id: %d\n",
   printf(" The process user id: %d\n",
   /* Get the process priority     */
   /* using the process id         */
   printf("\nGet the Process Priority using the Process ID\n");

/* the id arg is the pid of a process */
   kind = PRIO_PROCESS;
   /* version 1 */
   id = (id_t)pid;
/* Set errno to zero for    */
/* error handling           */
   errno = 0;
   prty1 = getpriority(kind, id);
/* ---------------------------------*/
/* Test for Error                   */
/* Note:                            */
/* getpriority() may return a '-1'  */
/* return code for either a         */
/* failure rc, or when the priority */
/* is in-fact '-1'.  To distinguish */
/* between the two conditions,      */
/* check the errno                  */
/* value for a non-zero value.      */
 if (prty1 == -1 && errno != 0)
   perror("Call to getpriority failed");
      printf("The process priority (pid:version 1): %d\n", prty1);


/* version 2 */
/* 0 implies current processs id  */
   id = (id_t)0;
/* Reset errno to zero for        */
/* error handling                 */
   errno = 0;
   prty2 = getpriority(kind, id);
/* Test for Error */
   if (prty2 == -1 && errno != 0)
      perror("Call to getpriority failed");
     printf("The process priority (pid:version 2): %d\n", prty2);

/* Get the process priority    */
/* using the group process id  */
   printf("\nGet the Process Priority using the Group Process ID\n");

/* the id arg is the group process id */
   kind = PRIO_PGRP;
/* version 1 */
   id = (id_t)pgid;
/* Set errno to zero for error handling      */
   errno = 0;
   prty1 = getpriority(kind, id);
/* Test for Error */
   if (prty1 == -1 && errno != 0)
      perror("Call to getpriority failed");
      printf("The process priority (gpid:version 1): %d\n", prty1);

/* version 2 */
/* 0 implies current group processs id       */
   id = (id_t)0;
/* Reset errno to zero for error handling    */
   errno = 0;
   prty2 = getpriority(kind, id);
/* Test for Error */
   if (prty2 == -1 && errno != 0)
      perror("Call to getpriority failed");
      printf("The process priority (gpid:version 2): %d\n", prty2);
 /* Get the process priority using the        */
 /* process User id                           */
 printf("\nGet the Process Priority of the User ID\n");

/* the id arg is the user id of the process  */
   kind = PRIO_USER;
/* version 1 */
   id = (id_t)uid;
/* Set errno to zero for error handling      */
   errno = 0;
   prty1 = getpriority(kind, id);
   /* Test for Error */
   if (prty1 == -1 && errno != 0)
      perror("Call to getpriority failed");
      printf("The process priority (uid:version 2):  %d\n", prty1);

/* version 2 */
/* Reset errno to zero for error handling    */
   errno = 0;

 /* 0 implies current process user id        */
   id = (id_t)0;
   prty2 = getpriority(kind, id);
   /* Test for Error */
   if (prty2 == -1 && errno != 0)
      perror("Call to getpriority failed");
      printf("The process priority (uid:version 2):  %d\n", prty2);
/* Set the process priority using the            */
/* process id                                    */
 printf("\nSet the Process Priority using the Process ID\n");
/* the id arg is the pid of a process        */
   kind = PRIO_PROCESS;
/* an id of 0 implies current processs id    */
   id = (id_t)0;
/* Reset errno to zero for error handling    */
   errno = 0;
/* Set process priority to 5                 */
   prty1 = 5;
   rc = setpriority(kind, id, prty1);
   /* Test for Error                                 */
   /* Note: UNIX System Services  sites must enable  */
   /*       the use of the setpriority() function.   */
   /*       If the use of setpriority() has not      */
   /*       beenenabled, any use of setpriority()    */
   /*       will fail with errno set to ENOSYS.      */
   /*                                                */
   if (rc == -1)
      perror("Call to setpriority failed");
      prty2 = getpriority(kind, id);
      /* Test for Error */
      if (errno != 0)
         perror("Call to getpriority failed");
      printf("The process priority is now (pid):  %d\n", prty2);
   /* Set the process priority using the group   */
   /* process id                                 */
 printf("\nSet the Process Priority using the Group Process ID\n");
/* the id arg is the group id of the process */
   kind = PRIO_PGRP;
/* 0 implies current group processs id       */
   id = (id_t)0;
/* Reset errno to zero for error handling    */
   errno = 0;
/* Set process priority to 10                */
   prty1 = 10;
   rc = setpriority(kind, id, prty1);
   /* Test for Error */
   if (rc == -1)
      perror("Call to setpriority failed");
      prty2 = getpriority(kind, id);
      /* Test for Error */
      if (errno != 0)
         perror("Call to getpriority failed");
      printf("The process priority is now (gpid):  %d\n", prty2);
 /* Set the process priority using the        */
 /*process User id                            */
  printf("\nSet the Process Priority of the User ID\n");
/* the id arg is the user id of the process  */
   kind = PRIO_USER;
/* an id of 0 implies current user id        */
   id = (id_t)0;
/* Reset errno to zero for error handling    */
   errno = 0;
/* Set process priority to 15                */
   prty1 = 15;
   rc = setpriority(kind, id, prty1);
/* Test for Error */
   if (rc == -1)
      perror("Call to setpriority failed");
      prty2 = getpriority(kind, id);
      /* Test for Error */
      if (errno != 0)
         perror("Call to getpriority failed");
printf("The process priority is now (uid): %d\n", prty2);
/* Change the process priority using the     */
/* process id                                */
printf("\nChange the Process Priority using the Process ID\n");
/* the id arg is the pid of a process        */
   kind = PRIO_PROCESS;
/* an id of 0 implies current processs id    */
   id = (id_t)0;

/* Reset errno to zero for error handling    */
   errno = 0;
/* change using "absolute"                   */
/* priority - equivalent to setpriority()    */
   printf("\tChange using CPRIO_ABSOLUTE\n");
/* Change process priority to 3              */
   prty1 = 3;
   rc = chpriority(kind, id, form, prty1);
/* Test for Error                                 */
/* Note: UNIX System Services  sites must enable  */
/*       the use of the chpriority() function.    */
/*       If the use of chpriority() has not been  */
/*       enabled, any use of chpriority() will    */
/*       fail with errno set to ENOSYS.           */
/*                                                */
   if (rc == -1)
      perror("Call to chpriority failed");
      prty2 = getpriority(kind, id);
      /* Test for Error */
      if (errno != 0)
         perror("Call to getpriority failed");
  printf("The process priority is now (pid): %d\n", prty2);
/* change using "relative" priority */
   printf("\tChange using CPRIO_RELATIVE\n");
/* Bump process priority up by 2            */
   prty1 = 2;
   rc = chpriority(kind, id, form, prty1);
   /* Test for Error */
   if (rc == -1)
      perror("Call to chpriority failed");
      prty2 = getpriority(kind, id);
      /* Test for Error */
      if (errno != 0)
       perror("Call to getpriority failed");
   printf("The process priority is now (pid):  %d\n", prty2);
/* Change the process priority using the       */
/* group process id                           */
 printf("\nChange the Process Priority using the Group Process ID\n");
/* the id arg is the group id of the process */
   kind = PRIO_PGRP;
/* 0 implies current group processs id       */
    id = (id_t)0;
/* Reset errno to zero for error handling    */
   errno = 0;
   /* change using "absolute"                 */
   /* priority - equivalent to setpriority()  */
   printf("\tChange using CPRIO_ABSOLUTE\n");
 /* Change process priority to 7              */
   prty1 = 7;
   rc = chpriority(kind, id, form, prty1);
   /* Test for Error */
   if (rc == -1)
      perror("Call to chpriority failed");
      prty2 = getpriority(kind, id);
      /* Test for Error */
      if (errno != 0)
         perror("Call to getpriority failed");
  printf("The process priority is now (gpid): %d\n", prty2);
/* change using "relative" priority */
   printf("\tChange using CPRIO_RELATIVE\n");
/* Bump process priority up by 3            */
   prty1 = 3;
   rc = chpriority(kind, id, form, prty1);
   /* Test for Error */
   if (rc == -1)
      perror("Call to chpriority failed");
      prty2 = getpriority(kind, id);
      /* Test for Error */
      if (errno != 0)
         perror("Call to getpriority failed");
 printf("The process priority is now (gpid):  %d\n", prty2);
/* Change the process priority using    */
/* the process User id                  */
printf("\nChange the Process Priority of the User ID\n");
/* the id arg is the user id of the process  */
   kind = PRIO_USER;
/* 0 implies current group processs id       */
   id = (id_t)0;
/* Reset errno to zero for error handling    */
   errno = 0;
/* change using "absolute"                  */
/*  priority - equivalent to setpriority()  */
   printf("\tChange using CPRIO_ABSOLUTE\n");
/* Change process priority to 11           */
   prty1 = 11;
   rc = chpriority(kind, id, form, prty1);
   /* Test for Error */
   if (rc == -1)
      perror("Call to chpriority failed");
      prty2 = getpriority(kind, id);
      /* Test for Error */
      if (errno != 0)
       perror("Call to getpriority failed");
printf("The process priority is now (uid):  %d\n", prty2);
/* change using "relative" priority */
   printf("\tChange using CPRIO_RELATIVE\n");
/* Bump process priority up by 4            */
   prty1 = 4;
   rc = chpriority(kind, id, form, prty1);
   /* Test for Error */
   if (rc == -1)
      perror("Call to chpriority failed");
      prty2 = getpriority(kind, id);
      /* Test for Error */
      if (errno != 0)
      perror("Call to getpriority failed");
      printf("The process priority is now (uid):  %d\n", prty2);
}  /* end of main() */


| POSIX/UNIX header files             |
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
| ISO/ANSI header files               |
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
| Name:      main                     |
| Returns:   exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) or
| exit(EXIT_FAILURE)                  |
int main()
/* current process id from getpid()     */
   pid_t pid;

/* process group id from getpgid()      */
   pid_t pgid;
/* Get the group process id of the current  */
/* process                                  */
/* Note: Both version 1 and version 2 are   */
/*       equivalent to calling the          */
/*       getpgrp() function                 */
printf("\nGet the Group Process ID of the Current Process\n");
/* version 1                                 */
/* Set errno to zero for error handling      */
   errno = 0;
/* get the process id for this process       */
   pid = getpid();
/* get the group process id for this process  */
   pgid = getpgid(pid);
/* Test for Error */
   if (pgid == -1)
      perror("Call to getpgid failed");
      printf("      The process id: %d\n", (int)pid);
      printf("The process group id:%d\n", (int)pgid);

/* version 2                                 */
/* Reset errno to zero for error handling    */
   errno = 0;
/* 0 implies current processs id             */
   pid = 0;
/* get the group process id for this process  */
   pgid = getpgid(pid);
/* Test for Error */
   if (pgid == -1)
      perror("Call to getpgid failed");
 printf("The process group id: %d\n", (int)pgid);
}  /* end of main() */


| POSIX/UNIX header files             |
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
| ISO/ANSI header files               |
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
| Name:      main                       |
| Returns:   exit(EXIT_SUCCESS)         |
|            or exit(EXIT_FAILURE)      |
+ -------------------------------------*/
int main()
/* current process id from getpid()     */
   pid_t pid;
/* process group id from getsid()       */
   pid_t sid;
/* Get the Session Leader id for the     */
/* Current Process                       */
printf("\nGet the Session Leader ID of the Current Process\n");
/* version 1 */
/* Set errno to zero for error handling    */
   errno = 0;
/* get the process id for this process     */
   pid = getpid();
/* get the session leader id for           */
/* this process                            */
   sid = getsid(pid);
/* Test for Error */
   if (sid == -1)
      perror("Call to getsid failed");
printf("       The process id: %d\n", (int)pid);
printf("The Session Leader id: %d\n", (int)sid);

/* version 2                               */
/* Reset errno to zero for error handling  */
   errno = 0;
 /* 0 implies current processs id          */
   pid = 0;
/* get the session leader id for           */
/* this process                            */
   sid = getsid(pid);
/* Test for Error */
   if (sid == -1)
      perror("Call to getsid failed");
 printf("       The process id: %d\n",
 printf("The Session Leader id: %d\n",

}  /* end of main() */


Replace the #include statements in the chown example with the #include statements that are provided here.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

New oeattach Example

In Chapter 20, "POSIX Function Reference," replace the oeattach sample code under the "Example" heading with the following code:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <lclib.h>
   int pipefds[2];
   pid_t pid;
   char *const parmList[] = {"/bin/ls", "-l", "/u/userid/dirname",
                             NULL };
   char lsout[200];           /* buffer for out ls output          */
   int amt;
   int status;                /* status code from ls               */
   fclose(stdout);            /* avoid stdio interfering with fd 1 */
   fclose(stdin);             /* avoid stdio interfering with fd 0 */
   close(STDOUT_FILENO);      /* make sure fd's 0 & 1 are avail    */
   pipe(pipefds);             /* create both ends of a pipe        */
   if (pipefds[0] == STDOUT_FILENO) {
              "Warning: Input fileno is 1, should not occur.\n");
      pipefds[0] = dup(pipefds[0]);
   if (pipefds[1] != STDOUT_FILENO) {
              "Warning: Output fileno is not 1, should not occur.\n");
                              /* make write end of pipe fd 1       */
      close(pipefds[1]);      /* close write end                   */
  pid = oeattach("/bin/ls", parmList);
                             /* run ls command as subtask         */
  close(STDOUT_FILENO);      /* close write end of pipe in parent */
  for(;;) {                  /* read from the pipe                */
     amt = read(pipefds[0], lsout, sizeof(lsout));
     if (amt <= 0) break;
     fwrite(lsout, 1, amt, stderr);  /* write ls output to stderr */
  wait(&status);             /* wait for ls to complete           */
  close(pipefds[0]);         /* close pipe input end              */
  if (WIFEXITED(status)) exit(WEXITSTATUS(status));
  else             /* if ls failed, use kill to fail the same way */
     kill(0, WTERMSIG(status));

Update to loadm Function Description

In Chapter 1, "Dynamic-Loading Functions," in the loadm function description, in the section titled, "Example 1.2 dynamic loading modules with multiple functions," replace the example code in "STEP I. Put the following declarations a common header file and name it DYNTABLE:" with the following example:

int func1(void)
int func2(void)

struct funcdef {           /* structure definition for functions     */
   int (*func1)();
   int (*func2)();
                            /* More functions can go here.            */

typedef struct funcdef *fptrtable;  /* pointer to list of funcdefs    */

Updates to the osdynalloc Function

In Chapter 3, "MVS Low-Level I/O Functions," update the osdynalloc function description with the following information.

Replace the corresponding lines in the table labeled, "SVC 99 Request Block Keywords," with the following entries:

SVC 99 Requst Block Keywords
Identifier RB Field Value Description Notes
msgbelowelsto S99LSTO none Allocate SVC 99 messages below the 16 meg line
msgerrormsgrc none int* Message processing error code (returned in register 15 by IEFDB476)

Replace the corresponding lines in the table labeled, "Dynamic Allocation Keywords," with the following entries:

Dynamic Allocation Keywords
Identifier JCL Equiv SVC 99Key Value Format Description Notes
subsysattrssattrssatt none DALSSATT char* Res Word Subsystem attributes (6)
subsysparmssparmssprm SUBSYS= (,parm... ) DALSSPRM char[68] Multiple Subsystem Parameters (4)

Add the following lines to the table labeled, "Dynamic Allocation Keywords:"

Dynamic Allocation Keywords
Identifier JCL Equiv SVC 99Key Value Format Description Notes
buflbuflenbuflndcbbufldcbbuflendcbbufln DCB=BUFL= DALBUFL int
Buffer length
fdatfiledata FILEDATA= DALFDAT char* Res Word TEXT/BINARY for HFS file
Override affinity
retclienttokretctkrtctokenrtctkrtctoken none DALRTCTK char(*) [81] Return JES client token
ssreq none DALSSREQ char[5]
Subsystem request
uncntunitcount none DALUNCNT int
Device count
unit UNIT= DALUNIT char[9]
Unit name

Replace the corresponding lines in the table labeled, "Dynamic Allocation Inquiry Keywords," with the following entries:

Dynamic Allocation Inquiry Keywords
Identifier JCL Equiv SVC 99Key Value Format Description Notes
path PATH= DINRPATH char[256]
HFS filename for which information is needed (1)
retpathcdisprtpathcdisprpathcdispretpcdisprtpcdisprpcdispretpcdsrtpcdsrpcdsretcndsrtcndsrcnds returnPATHDISP=(n,c) DINRPCDS int* Encoded Return HFS file abnormal disposition

Add the following lines to the table labeled, "Dynamic Allocation Inquiry Keywords:"

Dynamic Allocation Keywords
Identifier JCL Equiv SVC 99Key Value Format Description Notes
retfdatretfiledatartfdatrfiledatartfdatrtfiledata return FILEDATA= DINRFDAT int* Encoded Return TEXT/ BINARY attribute of HFS file
rettyprettyperttyprttype none DINRTTYP char* Encoded Return data set type
retpathndispretpndispretpndsrpathndisprpndisprpndsrtpathndisprtpndisprtpnds return PATHDISP= (n, ) DINRPNDS int* Encoded Return HFS file disposition
retvolumeretvolserretvolrtvolumertvolserrtvol return VOL=SER= DINRTVOL char(*) [7] Return first volume serial

Updates to the Socket Functions

In Chapter 18, "Socket Function Reference," update the following sections as indicated:

Update to getdtablesize Example

In Chapter 18, "Socket Function Reference," replace the code in the "Example" section with the following code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>

   int maxsockets;
   fd_set *readset, *writeset, *exceptset);
   int ready;

      /* get maximum number of sockets                             */
   maxsockets = getdtablesize();   

     /* allocate storage for fd sets (8 bits per byte, 4 byte int) */
   readset   = calloc((maxsockets+31)/32, 4);
   writeset  = calloc((maxsockets+31)/32, 4);
   exceptset = calloc((maxsockets+31)/32, 4);

      /* allocate storage for fd sets (8 bits per byte)             */
   ready = select(maxsockets, readset, writeset, exceptset, NULL);
      /* wait for socket activity                                   */

New <sys/un.h> Header File

In Chapter 15, "The BSD UNIX Socket Library," add the following information for the <sys/un.h> header file:

Chapter Contents



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