Chapter Contents


Standard Libraries

C++ I/O

The fundamental concepts of I/O in C++ are those of streams, insertion, and extraction. An input stream is a source of characters; that is, it is an object from which characters can be obtained (extracted). An output stream is a sink for characters; that is, it is an object to which characters can be directed (inserted). (It is also possible to have bidirectional streams, which can both produce and consume characters.) This section explains the basics of performing C++ I/O. For more details, refer to your C++ programming manual.

This section covers the following components of C++ I/O:

Insertion and Extraction

Insertion is the operation of sending characters to a stream, expressed by the overloaded insertion operator << . Thus, the following statement sends the character 'x' to the stream cout :

cout << `x';

Extraction is the operation of taking characters from a stream, expressed by the overloaded extraction operator >> . The following expression (where ch has type char ) obtains a single character from the stream cin and stores it in ch .

cin >> ch;

Although streams produce or consume characters, insertion and extraction can be used with other types of data. For instance, in the following statements, the characters '1' , '2' , and '3' are inserted into the stream cout , after which characters are extracted from cin , interpreted as an integer, and the result is assigned to i :

int i = 123;
cout << i;
cin >> i;

Insertion and extraction can be overloaded for user-defined types as well. Consider the following code:

class fraction
   int numer;
   unsigned denom;
   friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& os,
                               fraction& f)
      return os << f.numer << `/' << f.denom;

These statements define an insertion operator for a user-defined fraction class, which can be used as conveniently and easily as insertion of characters or ints .

Get and put pointers

The definition of C++ stream I/O makes use of the concepts of the get pointer and the put pointer. The get pointer for a stream indicates the position in the stream from which characters are extracted. Similarly, the put pointer for a stream indicates the position in the stream where characters are inserted. Use of the insertion or extraction operator on a stream causes the appropriate pointer to move. Note that these are abstract pointers, referencing positions in the abstract sequence of characters associated with the stream, not C++ pointers addressing specific memory locations.

You can use member functions of the various stream classes to move the get or put pointer without performing an extraction or insertion. For example, the fstream::seekoff() member function moves the get and put pointers for an fstream .

The exact behavior of the get and put pointers for a stream depends on the type of stream. For example, for fstream objects, the get and put pointers are tied together. That is, any operation that moves one always moves the other. For strstream objects, the pointers are independent. That is, either pointer can be moved without affecting the other.

The get and put pointers reference positions between the characters of the stream, not the characters themselves. For example, consider the following sequence of characters as a stream, with the positions of the get and put pointers as marked in Illustration of Get and Put Pointers :

Illustration of Get and Put Pointers


In this example, the next character extracted from the stream is ' c ', and the next character inserted into the stream replaces the ' r '.


This section covers the basics of using streams, including explaining which streams are provided by the streams library, how the different streams classes are related, which member functions are available for use with streams, and how to create your own streams.

Streams provided by the library

The streams library provides four different kinds of streams:

where characters are read and written to areas in memory.

where characters are read and written to external files.

where characters are read and written to external files using the C standard I/O library.

where a bsambuf object is used for performing formatted file I/O.

stdiostream objects should be used in programs that use the C standard I/O package as well as C++, to avoid interference between the two forms of I/O; on some implementations, fstreams provide better performance than stdiostreams when interaction with C I/O is not an issue.

Other types of streams can be defined by derivation from the base classes iostream and streambuf . See Stream class hierarchy for more information on the relationships between these classes.

Every C++ program begins execution with four defined streams:
cin is a standard source of input. It reads input from the same place that stdin would have.
cout is a stream to which program output can be written. It writes output to the same place stdout would have.
cerr is a stream to which program error output can be written. It writes output to the same place stderr would have.
clog is another error stream that can be more highly buffered than cerr . It also writes output to the same place stderr would have.

To use these streams, you must include the header file iostream.h .

Additional streams can be created by the program as necessary. For more in- formation, see Creating streams .

Stream class hierarchy

All the different stream classes are derived from two common base classes: ios and streambuf . class ios is a base class for the classes istream (an input stream), ostream (an output stream) and iostream (a bidirectional stream). You are more likely to use these classes as base classes than to use class ios directly. The streambuf class is a class that implements buffering for streams and controls the flushing of a full output buffer or the refilling of an empty input buffer.

Four sets of stream classes are provided in the standard streams library: fstream , strstream , stdiostream , and bsamstream . Corresponding to each of these stream classes is a buffer class: filebuf , strstreambuf , stdiobuf , and bsambuf , implementing a form of buffering appropriate to each stream. Note that the stream classes are not derived from the buffering classes; rather, a stream object has an associated buffering object of the appropriate kind (for instance, an fstream object has an associated filebuf ), which can be accessed directly if necessary using the rdbuf() member function. Relationship between Stream Classes shows the inheritance relationships between the various classes.

Relationship between Stream Classes


Stream member functions

In addition to providing the insertion and extraction operations, the stream classes define a number of other member functions that can be more convenient than using insertion and extra ction directly. All these functions are discussed in some detail in the class descriptions later in this chapter. The following list briefly describes a few of the most useful member functions.

get() and getline()
allows extraction of characters from a stream until a delimiter (by default ' \n ') is encountered, possibly with a limit to the number of characters to be extracted.

The get() and getline() functions behave similarly, except that getline() extracts the final delimiter and get() does not.

extracts a fixed number of characters from a stream. read() is intended for use with binary data, whereas get() and getline() are usually more appropriate with text data.

allows a character extracted from a stream to be "pushed back," so that it will be extracted again the next time a character is required from the stream.

inserts a number of characters into a stream. The null character is treated as any other character and therefore this function is suitable for inserting binary data.

immediately transmits any buffered characters. For a stream associated with a terminal file, this causes any buffered characters to be transmitted to the terminal. For a nonterminal file, calling flush() may not cause any characters to be immediately written, depending on the characteristics of the file.

ties one stream to another stream, so that whenever the first file's buffer is full or needs to be refilled, the tied file's buffer is flushed. The cin stream is automatically tied to cout , which means that cout 's buffer is flushed before characters are extracted from cin . If, as is usually the case, cin and cout are both terminal files, this assures that you see any buffered output messages before having to enter a response. Similarly, the cerr stream is tied to cout , so that if an error message is generated to cerr , any buffered output characters are written first.

seekg() and seekp()
are used to reposition a stream for input and output respectively.

Note:    Positioning of files is very different on 370 systems than on many other systems. See 370 I/O Considerations for some details.  [cautionend]

tellg() and tellp()
The member functions tellg() and tellp() are used to determine the read or write position for a stream. As with the seeking functions, the results of these functions are system-dependent. See 370 I/O Considerations for details.

Creating streams

Streams are normally created by declaring them or by use of the new operator. Creating an fstream or stdiostream entails opening the external file that is to be the source or sink of characters. Creating a strstream entails specifying the area of storage that will serve as the source or sink of characters. For fstream , a stream constructor can be used to create a stream associated with a particular file, similar to the way the fopen function is used in C. For instance, the following declaration creates an output fstream object, dict , associated with the CMS file named DICT DATA:

ofstream dict("cms:dict data");

Opening files

When you create an fstream (or a stdiostream ), you must usually provide a filename and an open mode. The open mode specifies the way in which the file is to be accessed. For an ifstream , the default open mode is ios::in , specifying input only; for an ofstream , the default open mode is ios::out , specifying output only. See 370 I/O Considerations for information on additional arguments that can be supplied and for additional information on the form of filenames.

If you declare an fstream without specifying any arguments, a default constructor is called that creates an unopened fstream . An unopened stream can be opened by use of the member function open() , which accepts the same arguments as the constructor.

Defining a strstream

When you create a strstream , you must usually provide an area of memory and a length. Insertions to the stream store into the area of memory; extractions return successive characters from the area. When the array is full, no more characters can be inserted; when all characters have been extracted, the ios::eof flag is set for the stream. For an istrstream , the length argument to the constructor is optional; if you omit it, the end of the storage area is determined by scanning for an end-of-string delimiter (' \0 ').

For a strstream that permits output, you can create a dynamic stream by using a constructor with no arguments. In this case, memory is allocated dynamically to hold inserted characters. When all characters have been inserted, you can use the member function str() to "freeze" the stream. This prevents further insertions into the stream and returns the address of the area where previously inserted characters have been stored.


When a program inserts or extracts values other than single characters, such as integers or floating-point data, a number of different formatting options are available. For instance, some applications might want to have an inserted unsigned int transmitted in decimal, while for other applications hexadecimal might be more appropriate. A similar issue is whether white space should be skipped on input before storing or interpreting characters from a stream. The member function setf() is provided to allow program control of such options. For instance, the following expression sets the default for the stream cout to hexadecimal, so that integral values written to cout will ordinarily be transmitted in hexadecimal:

cout.setf(ios:hex, ios:basefield)

The streams library provides several similar functions:

sets the number of characters to display.

defines the fill character when there are fewer characters to insert than the width.

sets the number of significant digits to write for floating-point values.


Use of the setf() , width() , and similar member functions is very convenient if the same specifications are used for a large number of inserted items. If the formatting frequently changes, it is more convenient to use a manipulator. A manipulator is an object that can be an operand to the << or >> operator, but which modifies the state of the stream, rather than actually inserting or extracting any data. For instance, the manipulators hex and dec can be used to request hexadecimal or decimal printing of integral values. Thus, the following sequence can be used to write out the value of i in decimal and the value of x[i] in hexadecimal:

cout << "i = " << dec << i << ",
   x[i] = " << hex << x[i];

Other manipulators include the following:
ws skips white space on input.
flush flushes a stream's buffer.
endl inserts a newline character and then flushes the stream's buffer.
ends inserts an end-of-string character ( '\0' ).
It is possible to create user-defined manipulators in addition to the standard manipulators, but this is beyond the scope of this book. See class IOMANIP for examples of user-defined manipulators, or refer to the C++ Programming Language, Second Edition for a detailed discussion.

I/O Status Handling

Associated with each stream is a set of flags indicating the I/O state of the stream. For example, the flag ios::eofbit indicates that no more characters can be extracted from a stream, and the flag ios::failbit indicates that some previous request failed. The I/O state flags can be tested by member functions; for example, cin.eof() tests whether more characters can be extracted from the standard input stream. The I/O state flags can be individually manipulated by using the clear() member function; for example, cout.clear(0) clears all the I/O state flags for the stream cout .

For convenience, the ! operator and the conversion to void* operator allow concise testing of a stream for any error. These operators allow you to use statements such as the following, which writes the results of the function nextline to the standard output stream until an error occurs:

   cout << nextline();

Because an insertion or extraction always produces its stream argument as its result, this can be further abbreviated to the following statement:

while(cout << nextline());

This form makes it more obvious that the loop might not terminate at all. Note that attempting to extract from a stream from which no more characters can be taken is considered a failure. Thus, you can use a loop such as the following to extract and process items from a stream until the stream is exhausted:

while(cin >> datum)

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