What's New in SAS Model Manager 3.1
SAS Model Manager 3.1
has the following new features and enhancements:
ability to retrain models
ability to customize dashboard
enhanced support for modifying
project definitions
ability to import R models
ability to modify and upload templates
and SAS files
ability to manage the progress
of a project or version using SAS Workflow
enhanced support for PMML models
The first maintenance
release of SAS Model Manager 3.1 adds the ability to publish scoring
functions to a Greenplum database.
Ability to Retrain Models
SAS Model Manager now
supports the retraining of models. Multiple attributes can be specified
when you define a model retrain task. You can also register the models
and create model comparison reports when executing a model retain
task for a project.
Ability to Customize Dashboard Reports
The SAS Model Manager
Dashboard reports are produced from the same data sets that are used
to create the performance monitoring reports. The data sets are created
by running performance tasks. For each project a user can define dashboard
report indicators that are used to create the dashboard reports. Users
can now specify additional report options and exclude project types
when generating the dashboard reports. The dashboard reports are not
displayed through the SAS Model Manager user interface, but instead
are viewed in an HTML browser.
Enhanced Support for Modifying Project Definitions
SAS Model Manager administrators
can now modify the project definition that contains project properties,
project input variables, and project output variables, after a project
has been created. This change enables users to modify the project
properties, select new project input and output variables, or modify
existing project input and output variables. A SAS Model Administrator
can also lock the project metadata so that it cannot be modified.
Ability to Import R Models
SAS Model Manager now
supports importing R models. R is a freely available language and
environment for statistical computing and graphics. Using the open
architecture of SAS Model Manager, you can register and import R models.
Ability to Manage Templates and SAS Code Files
Using the SAS Model
Manager Template Editor, you can create, edit, or delete life cycle
templates, model templates, and user report templates or user report
SAS code files. You can then upload new or modified templates, or
SAS code files to the SAS Content Server.
Ability to Manage the Progress of a Project or Version Using
SAS Workflow
The Workflow Console
for SAS Model Manager can be used to track the progress of a modeling
project or version. Process definitions are created using SAS Workflow
Studio and are activated with the SAS Workflow Engine. A SAS Model
Manager administrator can then use the Workflow Console to create
instances of the process definitions to be used with SAS Model Manager.
Enhanced Support for PMML Models
SAS Model Manager now
supports setting a PMML model as the champion model, publishing a
PMML model to a SAS channel, and exporting a PMML model to the SAS
Metadata Repository.
Ability to Publish Scoring Functions to a Greenplum Database
In the first maintenance
release of SAS Model Manager 3.1, you can publish scoring functions
to a Greenplum database. SAS Model Manager uses the scoring publishing
macros that are included in the
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Greenplum
to publish the scoring information for a model to the database.
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