Comparing Your Plan File to the Contents of Your Depot

When you initially install SAS 9.3 or when you add a product to an existing SAS 9.3 deployment, the SAS Deployment Wizard uses a plan file to install and configure your SAS products. You can use a standard deployment file that is provided by SAS. The benefit of downloading a standard deployment file from SAS is all the extra files that you receive (such as a pre-installation checklist) in addition to the plan.xml file. Standard deployment plans are available from
Note: If you need to create a custom deployment plan, contact your SAS account representative.
To see what products will be installed and configured, review the plan.xml file before you start the SAS Deployment Wizard. To view a diagram of your customized deployment plan, see details_diagram_for_ff.htm (optimized for FireFox) or details_diagram_for_ie.htm (optimized for Internet Explorer) in your SAS Software Depot.
In the SAS Deployment Wizard, compare the contents of your plan file with the items in your SAS Software Depot. In the Specify Deployment Plan step, you can see the structure of the selected plan file. Items that are in bold, black font are either not in your order or are not supported on this platform. If software is missing from your order, contact your SAS account representative.
Specify Deployment Plan Step in the SAS Deployment Wizard
As a best practice, copy your plan.xml file to the plan_files directory in your SAS Software Depot so that other users at your site can use the same plan file. The plan files in this directory are displayed in the Specify the full path to a customized deployment plan field by default.
After you complete your installation, a copy of the plan file that you used is saved in the SAS-configuration-directory/Levn/Utilities directory. An example of this directory path on Windows is C:\SAS\Config\Lev1\Utilities\plan.date_time.xml.