Timer Expression Examples

The following example specifies a schedule expression of +1d. This indicates that the timer is triggered in one day.
Timer Parameter
Schedule Expression
Recurrence: Number of Repetitions
Recurrence: Interval of Repetitions
End Timer
Note: If the Recurrence: Number of Repetitions value is left blank or equals -1, then there are unlimited repetitions until the containing activity or process ends.
Cron expressions are useful for defining the schedule time using a format similar to the UNIX cron command. These expressions are particularly convenient if you want the timer to expire based on calendar information, rather than exact dates or intervals. See the org.quartz.CronExpression class documentation for detailed syntax.
Note: The repeat count and repeat expression fields are ignored when a cron expression is specified.
The following example specifies a schedule expression of 0 0 12 * * ?. This cron expression specifies a timer to fire every day at 12 p.m. (noon).
Timer Parameter
Schedule Expression
0 0 12 * * ?
Recurrence: Number of Repetitions
Recurrence: Interval of Repetitions
End Timer
The following example defines a timer that is scheduled to fire one day (+1d) after the process is started. No repeat count is specified. Therefore, the timer repeats indefinitely. The Interval of Repetitions is specified as +24h, which means that it repeats every 24 hours.
Timer Parameter
Schedule Expression
Recurrence: Number of Repetitions
Recurrence: Interval of Repetitions
End Timer
The following example is similar to the previous one, except that a Timer End value is specified. The Timer End value indicates when the timer should terminate. In this example, the timer will repeat every 24 hours and will cease after 1 week (as specified the value +1w for the Timer End).
Timer Parameter
Schedule Expression
Recurrence: Number of Repetitions
Recurrence: Interval of Repetitions
End Timer