Option Name
specifies the variable
that classifies the observations into distinct subsets.
Bar response
specifies a numeric
response variable for the bar chart.
Line response
specifies a numeric
response variable for the line plot.
Group variable
specifies a variable
that is used to group the data.
URL variable
specifies a character
variable that contains URLs for web pages to be displayed when parts
of the plot are selected within an HTML page.
calculates the mean
of the response variables.
calculates the sum of
the response variables.
Option Name
Title and Footnote
You can specify a custom
title and footnote for the output. You can also specify the font size
for this text.
Bar Details
Apply bar
specifies the color
for the bars.
specifies the degree
of transparency for the plot. The range is 0 (completely opaque) to
1 (completely transparent).
Apply bar
applies a gradient to
each bar.
Note: This option is available
only if you are running the second maintenance release for SAS 9.4
or later.
Data skin
specifies a special
effect to be used on all filled bars.
Line Details
Apply line
specifies the color
for the line.
Line thickness
specifies the thickness
(in pixels) of the line.
specifies the degree
of transparency for the plot. The range is 0 (completely opaque) to
1 (completely transparent).
Use solid
line pattern
specifies a solid pattern
for the line.
Category Axis
specifies that the values
of the tick marks are displayed in reverse (descending) order.
Show values
in data order
places the discrete
values for the tick marks in the order in which they appear in the
Show label
enables you to display
a label for the axis. Enter this label in the Custom label box.
Response Axes
Use zero
specifies whether to
offset all lines from the discrete category values and all bars from
category midpoints. By default, there is no offset.
Use uniform
uses the same scale
for both response axes.
Show grid
on left (bar) axis
creates grid lines at
each tick on the axis for the bar chart.
Drop statistics
removes the name of
the calculated statistic in the axis label. For example, if you are
calculating the mean, the axis label could be Weight (Mean).
Add plot
prefix to axis labels
adds (Bar) and (Line)
to the labels for the response axes.
Custom label
for left (bar) axis
enables you to specify
a custom label for the response axis in the bar chart. The default
label is the name of the bar response variable.
Custom label
for right (line) axis
enables you to specify
a custom label for the response axis in the line chart. The default
label is the name of the line response variable.
Legend Details
Legend location
specifies whether the
legend is placed outside or inside of the axis area.
Graph Size
You can specify the
width and height of the graph in inches, centimeters, or pixels.