Creating a Partitioned Data Set

To run the Partition Data task, you must select an input data source. To filter the input data source, click Filter Icon.
You must assign values to the Proportion of cases option for each partition.
Stratify by
specifies separate partitions for each combination of levels. You can specify a maximum of two variables to this role.
Partition Data
Number of partitions
specifies the number of partitions. You can choose to create one, two, three, or four partitions.
Proportion of cases for partition n
specifies the proportion of cases for each partition. The sum of all the partition proportions must be less than or equal to 1.
Random seed
specifies the initial seed for the generation of random numbers. This value must be an integer. If you do not specify a number, then a seed that is based on the system clock will be used to produce the sample.
Output Data Set
Partition data sets
specifies whether to include all partitions in one data set or put each partition in a separate data set. You can specify a unique name for each output data set.
Include non-sampled observations
specifies whether to include non-sampled observations in the output data set.
Note: This option applies only if you are saving all the partitions to one data set.
Variable name for partitioned values
specifies the name for the variable that contains the partitioned values.
Note: This option applies only if you are saving all the partitions to one data set.
ID value for partition n data
specifies the identifier to use for each value in a partition.
Note: This option applies only if you are saving all the partitions to one data set.
Show Output Data
Show output data
specifies whether to display the output data set on the Results tab. You can choose to display all of the data or a subset of the output data. The task always creates an output data set that appears on the Output Data tab. The output data is also saved as a SAS data set.