Setting Options

Option Name
Title and Footnote
You can specify a custom title and footnote for the output. You can also specify the font size for this text.
Box Detail
Box width
specifies the width of each box. Specify a value between 0.0 (0% of the available width) and 1.0 (100% of the available width).
specifies whether the boxes are filled with color. The default color is white.
Data skin
specifies a special effect to be used on the plot. The data skin affects all filled boxes. The effect that a data skin has on a filled area depends on the skin type, the graph style, and the color of the skinned element. Most of the skins work best with lighter colors over a medium to large filled area.
specifies the degree of transparency for the plot. The default value is 0. However, valid values range from 0 (completely opaque) to 1 (completely transparent).
Set cap shape
specifies whether to display the cap lines for the whiskers. If you select this option, you can select the shape of the whisker cap lines. Here are the valid values:
  • Bracket displays a straight line with brackets.
  • Line displays a straight line.
  • Serif displays a short straight line.
specifies that the boxes be notched. The endpoints of the notches are at the following computed locations: m e d i eh n plus minus , 1.58 , open . fraction i q r , over square root of n end fraction . close. Click image for alternative formats.
Group Layout
Group Order
specifies the order of boxes within a group. The groups can be displayed in ascending order, in descending order, or in the order in which they appear in the data.
Category Axis
specifies that the values for the tick marks are displayed in reverse (descending) order.
Show values in data order
places the discrete values for the tick marks in the order in which they appear in the data.
Show label
enables you to display a label for the axis. Enter this label in the Custom label box.
Analysis Axis
Show grid
creates grid lines at each tick on the axis.
Show label
specifies whether to display the label for the analysis axis. By default, the axis label is the name of the variable. However, you can create a custom label.
Legend Details
Legend location
specifies whether the legend is placed outside or inside the axis area.
Graph Size
You can specify the width and height of the graph in inches, centimeters, or pixels.