Setting Options

Option Name
Number of bins
specifies the global number of binning levels for all binning variables. This value can be any integer between 2 and 1,000, inclusive. The default number of binning levels is 16.
specifies which binning method to use.
  • Bucket binning creates equal-length bins and assigns the data to one of these bins. You can choose the number of bins during the binning. The default number of bins (the binning level) is 16.
  • Winsorized binning is similar to bucket binning except that both tails are cut off to obtain a smooth binning result. This technique is often used to remove outliers during the data preparation stage.
    You must specify a value for the Winsor rate option. Valid values are from 0.0 to 0.5 (exclusive). The default value is 0.05.
  • Pseudo-quantile binning mimics the results of the quantile binning method but is more efficient by consuming less CPU time and memory.
Compute weight of evidence and information value
specifies whether to compute the weight of evidence and information value.
Variables to bin
specifies the variable to use to calculate the weight of evidence and information value. If the target variable has more than two levels, you can also specify the order of the target variable.
Specify adjustment factor
specifies the adjustment factor for the weight-of-evidence calculation. You can specify a value from 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive. The default value is 0.5.
Select statistics to display
In the results, you can specify whether to include statistics.
Here are the additional statistics that you can include:
  • Basic statistics displays the mean, pseudo-median, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and number of bins for each binning variable.
  • Quantile statistics displays the estimated quantiles and extremes table.