Setting Options

Option Name
By default, plots are included in the results. To suppress these plots, select the Suppress plots check box.
Frequency Table
displays the frequency count for each cell.
displays the expected cell frequency for each cell.
displays the deviation of the cell frequency from the expected value for each cell.
display of overall percentages in crosstabulation tables.
display of row percentages in crosstabulation table cells.
display of column percentages in crosstabulation table cells.
Column percentages
displays the cumulative column percentage in each cell.
Frequencies and percentages
displays the cumulative frequencies and percentages in one-way frequency tables.
Cell contributions to the chi-square statistics
displays each table cell’s contribution to the Pearson chi-square statistic in the crosstabulation table.
Chi-square statistics
requests chi-square tests of homogeneity or independence and measures of association that are based on the chi-square statistic. The tests include the Pearson chi-square, likelihood-ratio chi-square, and Mantel-Haenszel chi-square. For 2×2 tables, this test includes Fisher's exact test and the continuity-adjusted chi-square.
Measures of association
computes several measures of association and their asymptotic standard errors (ASE). The measures include gamma, Kendall's tau-b, Stuart's tau-c, Somers' D (C|R), Somers' D (R|C), the Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients, lambda (symmetric and asymmetric), and uncertainty coefficients (symmetric and asymmetric).
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel statistics
requests Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel statistics, which test for association between the row and column variables after adjusting for the remaining variables in a multiway table. These statistics include the CMH correlation statistic, the row mean scores (ANOVA), and the adjusted relative risks and odds ratios.
Measures of agreement (for square tables)
computes tests and measures of classification agreement for square tables. This option provides McNemar's test for 2×2 tables and Bowker's test of symmetry for tables with more than two response categories. It also produces the simple kappa coefficient, the weighted kappa coefficient, the asymptotic standard errors for the simple and weighted kappas, and the corresponding confidence limits. When there are multiple strata and two response categories, this option also computes Cochran's Q test.
Odds ratio and relative risk (for 2x2 tables)
requests relative risk measures and their asymptotic Walk confidence limits for 2x2 tables.
Binomial proportions and risk differences (for 2x2 tables)
requests risks (binomial proportions) and risk differences for 2x2 tables.
Exact Test
Fisher’s exact test
requests Fisher’s exact test for tables that are larger than 2x2.
Missing value treatment
specifies how to treat missing values:
Exclude missing values
specifies that an observation is excluded from a table if the observation has a missing value for any of the variables.
Display missing value frequencies
displays the frequencies of the missing values in the frequency and crosstabulation tables. These frequencies are not included in any computations of percentages, tests, or measures.
Include missing values in calculations
treats the missing values as valid for all variables.