SAP R/3 Data Model Explorer Page

Use the SAP R/3 Data Model Explorer page to display a tree view of data models that you pre-extracted from the SAP R/3 System. The SAP_DM SAP data model is at the top of the tree view, and the subordinate data models branch from it. End nodes on the tree view are entities. Each entity type can contain one or more tables. The SAP R/3 Data Model Explorer page enables you to browse through a structured data model view of your SAP R/3 tables to identify which tables contain the source data that you want to use in SAS Data Integration Studio.
The SAP R/3 Data Model Explorer page contains the following items:
SAP Data Model Explorer
displays a hierarchical view of the data models in the R/3 System. To select a table, highlight the desired table in the SAP Data Model Explorer list and click right-arrow icon to move it to the Selected SAP Tables list. Click double right-arrow icon to move all tables. You can also use the SHIFT and CTRL keys to select multiple tables.
Selected SAP Tables
lists all tables that you selected from the SAP Data Model Explorer list. To remove a table from the Selected SAP Tables list, select the table in the Selected SAP Tables list and click left-arrow icon. Click double left-arrow icon to remove all selected tables.
The SAP R/3 Data Model Explorer page contains the following buttons:
Find Text
displays the Search for String dialog box, which you can use to specify a text string for which you want to search and search all tables in the SAP Data Model Explorer list for that text string. If the search string is found, the first table containing that string is highlighted in the SAP Data Model Explorer list.
Find Text Again
searches for the next occurrence of the search string that you specified when you clicked Find Text. If the search string is found in any of the tables listed in the SAP Data Model Explorer list, then the next table that contains the text is highlighted. This button is disabled until you specify a search string in the Search for String dialog box.
Display Table Metadata
displays the Displaying Metadata for SAP R/3 Table dialog box, which you can use to view metadata for a table that you selected in the SAP R/3 Data Model Explorer page. Table metadata includes information such as the field name, field text, the field format, and so on.
Display Table Contents
displays the Displaying Contents of SAP R/3 Table dialog box, which you can use to view the data in the table that you selected in the SAP R/3 Data Model Explorer page.
expands all subnodes in either the SAP Data Model Explorer list or the Selected SAP Tables list.
collapses all subnodes in either the SAP Data Model Explorer list or the Selected SAP Tables list.