Table Ranges to Extract Dialog Box

Use the Table Ranges to Extract dialog box to limit the SAP R/3 tables that are included in the extraction process. You can use it to specify the exact range of tables that you want to extract. The table range uses the alphabetic table names to limit the tables that are extracted. For example, you can extract metadata for all tables with names between T000 and T009.
Note: The ranges that you specify apply only to the table metadata that is extracted.
The Table Ranges to Extract dialog box contains the following items:
specifies the first table name that you want to include when you extract metadata from your SAP R/3 System. For example, enter T000 in the From field if you want T000 to be the first table in the range of tables for which you want to extract metadata.
specifies the last table that you want to include when you extract metadata from your SAP R/3 System. For example, enter T009 in the To field if you want T009 to be the last table in the range of tables for which you want to extract metadata.
Add Row
inserts another row in the Table Ranges to Extract dialog box. You can use this new row to enter another range of tables that you want to include when you extract metadata from your SAP R/3 System.
Delete Row
removes the selected row from the Table Ranges to Extract dialog box. Use this button to remove table ranges that you have defined but no longer want to use.