Maintaining Data Warehouses and Subjects |
Your data warehouse project plan should specify a number of subject areas--such as finance, sales, marketing, and accounting--for which you will develop data collections. For each one of these areas, you will create a Subject in a Data Warehouse in the SAS/Warehouse Administrator Explorer.
Define Subject Properties |
With the appropriate Warehouse Environment open in the Explorer, locate the Data Warehouse in which you will add the Subject. The next display illustrates what a new Data Warehouse (Toy Store Whouse) would look like before any Subjects have been defined:
In the Explorer, position the cursor on the Data Warehouse, for example, Toy Store Whouse, click the right mouse button, select Add Item, and then Subject. In the Explorer window, a new Subject is added under the Data Warehouse, as follows:
To update the default metadata for the Subject, position the cursor on its icon, click the right mouse button, and select Properties. A properties window for the Subject displays for you to enter the appropriate information.
After specifying information on this tab, you are finished creating the Subject. Click to save its metadata record and return to the Explorer.
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