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Maintaining Jobs

Example: Adding a User Exit Process to a Process Flow


A User Exit process is a metadata record used to retrieve user-written code. The code often extracts or transforms information for a data store, but it can also do other tasks. The code must be stored in a SAS catalog with an entry type of SOURCE or SCL.

Note:   The following explanation describes the metadata and methods used to achieve the desired results. It is assumed that the appropriate Data Warehouse Environment, Data Warehouse, Subject, data stores, Job, and Process Flow exist.  [cautionend]

Adding a User Exit Process

In the SAS/Warehouse Administrator Explorer, position the cursor on the data store for which you want to add a User Exit process to its Process Flow, for example Customer. Click the right mouse button, and select Process. The software opens the Process Editor with the Process Flow displayed in the Process View.

[untitled graphic]

To add a User Exit, in the Process Flow, right-click the Process Flow arrow either below the output table or above the input source, as appropriate, which for this example is the arrow above the input source. Then select Add [arrow] User Exit

[untitled graphic]

To update the default metadata for the User Exit, position the cursor on the User Exit icon, click the right mouse button, and select Properties. The User Exit Process Attributes window displays for you to enter the appropriate information. Note that the code for a User Exit process is always user-written code and must be stored in a SAS catalog with an entry type of SOURCE or SCL.

[untitled graphic]

For an explanation about defining the User Exit properties, see Example: Defining User Exit Process Properties.

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