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Adding the Example Environment

UNIX Host Instructions

  1. Restore the !SASROOT/misc/warehouse/unxdemo.tar file to the location where the example Environment will reside. In these instructions, this location will be referred to as /usr/dw . If you do not know the location of !SASROOT , please contact your SAS representative.

  2. Change to the main directory for the sample Environment: cd /usr/dw

  3. Uncompress the sample Environment: tar -xvf !SASROOT/misc/warehouse/unxdemo.tar

  4. After the files have been restored, the following directory structure will be created:


  5. This demo contains formats that are referenced by placing the following libname statement in your autoexec file:

    libname library 'dwdemo\fmts';

  6. Invoke Version 8 of SAS.

  7. To add the sample Environment, change the current working directory to the directory where the sample is installed. On the SAS command line, type

    x cd /usr/dw

    Where /usr/dw is the main directory in which the example Environment is installed. This statement can also be put in your autoexec file.

  8. Type dw on the command line to invoke SAS/Warehouse Administrator software.

  9. After the Desktop window initializes, select the Add Item menu option and then the Data Warehouse Environment menu option from the File pull-down menu.

  10. In the Data Warehouse Environment Properties window, type the following in the Path field:


    Leave the other fields as they are and click OK.

  11. The sample warehouse is now added to the desktop. Double-click the Environment icon to begin exploring it.

Note:   If you receive the following message

ERROR: Library _MASTER does not exist

then the current working directory is not set correctly.   [cautionend]

For instructions about how to set the current working directory, see Step 2. You will need to exit SAS/Warehouse Administrator software and re-invoke it to have the current working directory modifications take effect.

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