Example: Using Parameters in a Report

You can use parameters to design complex reports. Here is an example of a complex report with parameters:
Example: A Report with Parameters
Example: A Report with Parameters
The report has two sliders, a list table, and a bar chart. One slider lets you adjust the number of miles that you drive each day. The other slider lets you adjust the price per gallon of gasoline. The results of the selections in the sliders are calculated, and the values are used in a calculated data item that is displayed in the list table. For example, you can see what happens to the list table when you change the parameter for Miles driven per day from 25 to 100.
The values of the calculated data item are also used in the bar chart. The bar chart has a display rule, (MPG (City) > Miles per day), so that vehicles that have a fuel economy value that is better than the number of miles that you drive per day are highlighted.
Last updated: January 8, 2019