Working with Data Role Assignments

After you have selected a report object and a data source, the Roles tab in the right pane shows which data items have been assigned to which roles.

Modify Data Role Assignments in Report Objects

Note: You cannot change data role assignments for any report object that is imported from the explorer and uses on-demand data.
To modify data role assignments:
  1. Select a report object in the canvas that has one or more data items assigned.
  2. Click the Roles tab in the right pane.
  3. Click the Down Arrow button beside the role that you want to edit. For data roles that allow multiple data items, the menu items that are available can vary.
    If you select a data item in Roles, then the Aggregation (if appropriate), Add, Remove, and Replace menu items are displayed. You can also right-click on a data item and the actions specific to that data item are displayed.
    Different data roles are available for different report objects.
    In addition to the basic data roles, you can assign additional data roles. Here is a list of all the data roles available for each report object:
    Report Object
    Basic Data Roles
    Additional Data Roles
    List table
    • Columns
    • Rows
    Bar chart
    • Category
    • Measures
    • Group
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    • Data tip values
    • Animation
    Targeted bar chart
    • Category
    • Measure
    • Target
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    • Data tip values
    • Animation
    Waterfall chart
    • Category
    • Measure
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    • Data tip values
    Line charts
    • Category
    • Measures
    • Group
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    • Data tip values
    • Animation
    Pie chart
    • Category
    • Measures
    • Group
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    • Data tip values
    • Animation
    Scatter plot
    • X axis
    • Y axis
    • Color
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    • Data tip values
    Time series plot
    • Time axis
    • Measure (line)
    • Group
    • Data tip values
    Bubble plot
    • X axis
    • Y axis
    • Size
    • Group
    • Color
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    • Data tip values
    • Animation
    • Tile
    • Size
    • Color
    • Data tip values
    Dual axis bar chart
    • Category
    • Measure (bar)
    • Measure (bar 2)
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    • Data tip values
    • Animation
    Dual axis line chart
    • Category
    • Measure (line)
    • Measure (line 2)
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    • Data tip values
    • Animation
    Dual axis bar-line chart
    • Category
    • Measure (bar)
    • Measure (line)
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    • Data tip values
    • Animation
    Dual axis time series plot
    • Time axis
    • Measure (line)
    • Measure (line 2)
    Data tip values
    Schedule chart1
    • Task
    • Start
    • Finish
    • Group
    • Label
    • Data tip values
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    Vector plot1
    • X axis
    • Y axis
    • X Origin
    • Y Origin
    • Color
    • Group
    • Data tip values
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    Numeric series plot1
    • X axis
    • Y axis
    • Group
    • Label
    • Data tip values
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    Needle plot1
    • X axis
    • Y axis
    • Group
    • Data tip values
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    Step plot1
    • X axis
    • Y axis
    • Group
    • Label
    • Data tip values
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    Dot plot1
    • X axis
    • Y axis
    • Data tip values
    • Lattice columns
    • Lattice rows
    Butterfly chart1
    • Category
    • Measure (bar)
    • Measure (bar 2)
    Data tip values
    Stock high-low plot1
    • Time axis
    • Close
    • High
    • Low
    Stock volume and volatility plot1
    • Time axis
    • Bollinger Upper
    • Bollinger Lower
    • Moving Average
    • High
    • Low
    • Close
    • Volume
    Bubble change plot1
    • Group
    • Y end
    • X end
    • Y start
    • X start
    • Size start
    • Size end
    Comparative time series plot1
    • Time axis
    • Measure (time series)
    • Measure (time series 2)
    Data tip values
    Drop-down list
    • Category
    • Frequency
    • Parameter
    • Category
    • Frequency
    Button bar
    • Category
    • Frequency
    • Parameter
    Text input
    • Category
    • Frequency
    • Parameter
    • Measure/Date
    • Parameter
    Vertical container
    Horizontal container
    Stack container
    Prompt container
    Stored process
    Geo bubble map
    • Size
    • Color
    • Data tip values
    • Animation
    Geo coordinate map
    Data tip values
    Geo region map
    • Color
    • Data tip values
    • Target
    • Group
    • Data tip values
    Word cloud
    1This report object is not displayed by default in the designer.
    Here are definitions for some of the additional data roles:
    animates the date category that you assign. You can specify a Loop for the animation, and you can specify the Speed of the animation. For more information, see Add Animation to Charts, Bubble Plots, and Geo Bubble Maps.
    Note: For a bubble plot only, you must assign the Group role to enable the Animation role. If you remove the Group role after assigning animation, the animation control is disabled.
    Data tip values
    enables you to add more measures to your data tips.
    Note: For pie charts, the Other slice does not show the additional information.
    groups the data based on the category data item that you assign.
    Lattice columns
    creates a lattice of charts with a column for each value of the category data item that you assign.
    Lattice rows
    creates a lattice of charts with a row for each value of the category data item that you assign.

Add Animation to Charts, Bubble Plots, and Geo Bubble Maps

An animated bubble plot displays the changes in your data values over time. Each frame of the animation represents a value of the datetime data item that is assigned to the Animation data role.
For example, if you assign a category with the Year format to the Animation data role, then each frame of the animation displays a bubble plot of your data for a specific year.
Starting in the 7.1 release, you can select bubbles, bars, pie slices, and lines in an animated graph. The interaction filter is based on the category value (or values) and the selected frame in the animation. When a bubble, bar, pie slice, or line is selected, its row lists all of the category and date values of the selection. For example, the resulting filter that is applied to any downstream interactions could be filtered by car=”Toyota” and year=”2014”.
If you select a bubble for one frame in the animation and click the Play button, then any downstream interactions play with the animation. This means that as the animation is running, the interaction targets are filtered with each frame in the animation.
To improve animation performance, use a color for the graph’s reference line instead of a pattern.
When you add animation to a pie chart, it is recommended that you sort the Category in ascending or descending order. To sort, right-click on a category name in the pie chart, and select Sort. Then, select either Ascending or Descending.
To add animation:
  1. Select an existing chart, bubble plot, or geo bubble map, or create a new one.
  2. Add the required roles:
    • For a bubble plot, on the Role tab, assign a data item to the Group data role.
      Note: If you remove the Group data role after assigning animation, the animation control is disabled.
    • For a bar chart or geo bubble map, on the Role tab, assign the other required roles.
  3. Assign a data item with a datetime format to the Animation data role.
When an animated bubble plot is displayed, a set of animation controls appears at the bottom of the report object.
Animation Controls
Start the animation.
Click the Play button.
Go to the previous animation frame.
Click the Previous button.
Go to the next animation frame.
Click the Next button.
Jump to a specific animation frame.
Use the slider.
Specify whether to repeat the animation.
Select or deselect Loop.
Select the animation speed.
Use the Speed slider.
Track the movement of a specific bubble.
Click the bubble that you want to track.
Note: If you select a bubble to track, the selected bubble is highlighted in the current animation frame.

Remove Data Role Assignments from Report Objects

To remove data items from their assigned data roles in a specific report object:
  1. Right-click the report object in the canvas. A menu is displayed.
    Here is an example of a bar chart with the object menu:
    Report Object Menu
  2. Select Remove All Data Items. All data items are removed from the assigned data roles as well as the data-dependent features like filters, ranks, conditions, and so on. The report object turns gray, and the incomplete status button status icon appears in the lower right corner to let you know that the required data roles are not assigned.
    Here is an example of what a bar chart looks like after all the data items have been removed from their assigned data roles:
    Report Object with Missing Data Assignments