
Bullet Gauges

A bullet gauge is a dashboard indicator that compares an actual value to a target value and compares them in intervals. The actual value of the primary measure is indicated by an inset horizontal bar.
Note that the scale of a bullet gauge often begins at zero, but it can contain both positive and negative values if both types of values apply to the primary measure, such as profit. The inset horizontal bar should always begin at zero so that comparing multiple bullet graphs is not confusing.
The bullet gauge requires a primary measure and a range display rule, and the target measure is optional. The default orientation is horizontal with an option to display the gauge vertically.
A Bullet Gauge
A Bullet Gauge

Slider Gauges

A slider gauge is a dashboard indicator that compares an actual value to a target value and compares them in intervals. The actual value of the primary measure is indicated by a downward-facing arrow. The target value is indicated by a small upward-facing arrow.
Like a bullet gauge, a slider gauge is oriented horizontally by default, but you can change the gauge’s orientation to vertical. You should use a slider gauge when the numeric scale does not start at zero.
The slider gauge supports dates (which are continuous) and numeric categories.
A Slider Gauge
A Slider Gauge

Thermometer Gauges

A thermometer gauge is a dashboard indicator that compares an actual value to a target value and compares them in intervals. The actual value of the primary measure is indicated by a vertical bar. The target value is indicated by a small black line.
The thermometer gauge requires a primary measure value and a range-based display rule. A target measure value is optional. The entire vertical bar is colored conditionally based on one color from the display rule.
The base of a thermometer bar should always start at zero. You can set this by defining your first range display rule to begin at zero. The designer always shows the base of the bar at the bottom of the thermometer.
A Thermometer Gauge
A Thermometer Gauge

Dial Gauges

A dial gauge is an arc-shaped dashboard indicator that compares an actual value to a target value and compares them in intervals. The actual value of the primary measure is indicated by an arrow that points outward from the inner circle. The target value is indicated by an arrow that points inward from the outer arc. The color of the center circle is the color associated with the primary measure value’s range interval.
The dial gauge requires a primary measure value and a range-based display rule. For more information, see Add Display Rules to a Gauge.
A target measure value is optional.
A Dial Gauge
A Dial Gauge

Speedometer Gauges

A speedometer gauge is a circular dashboard indicator that compares an actual value to a target value and compares them in intervals. The actual value of the primary measure is indicated by the larger pointer. The target value is indicated by a small triangle along the quantitative scale, either pointing inward or outward, depending on the KPI skin option for the gauge.
A speedometer gauge requires a primary measure value and a range-based display rule. A target measure value is optional.
A Speedometer Gauge
A Speedometer Gauge