Depictions of Importing Data

Import Data Files from Your Computer

The following figure depicts how a file (SAS data set, spreadsheet, or delimited file) is accessed from the client PC, transferred to the SAS Workspace Server, and then stored in an output table.
Depiction of importing data files
Note: When you import a SAS data set, it is not processed with PROC IMPORT. SAS data sets are transferred to output with a DATA step.
You can import data files that are available from the file systems on your PC. This includes local file systems such as C:\ on Windows machines, and paths such as /home/$USER on UNIX machines. Network file systems and shares are also included, such as UNC paths like \\nas\spreadsheets.
For detailed steps, see Importing a Local Data File.

Import SAS Data Sets on a SAS Server

The following figure depicts how the client PC can be used to specify a SAS data set on the SAS Application Server machine (represented as the SAS Workspace Server), and then load the data set to memory on a SAS LASR Analytic Server.
Depiction of importing a SAS data set on a SAS server
You can direct the SAS Workspace Server to access the file systems on the server. For example, if you have a large data set, you can use FTP or another method to copy it to a directory on the server, and then use the server to import it. For detailed steps, see Importing a SAS Data Set on a Server.