Working with the Right Pane on the Home Page

About the Right Pane

The Common Actions, Links, and SAS Resources sections are displayed in the right pane on the home page. Your system administrator can control which sections are displayed in the right pane. For example, your system administrator might hide all of the sections, two of the sections, or only one section. If any of the sections are displayed, you can control which sections are visible in your SAS Visual Analytics session.
The following sections can be displayed in the right pane:
Common Actions
Provides an alternate way for you to access features, such as designing reports, exploring data, managing your environment or content. For example, you can click Build Custom Graph to access the graph builder. If you have an Administration or Data Building role, then you will also see a Prepare Data link. You might also see links to other SAS products, such as SAS Theme Designer for Flex, depending on your role and the SAS licenses that your site has.
Provides links to the introductory video and to other pages that you have bookmarked. Your system administrator can also provide shared links for all users. For information about links, see Manage Links in the Right Pane.
SAS Resources
Provides links to resources on the SAS website, including the SAS Visual Analytics User Community, and to social media.

Hide Content in the Right Pane

To hide content in the right pane, position your mouse pointer over the section title (Common Actions, Links, or SAS Resources), and click the Close button.
To hide content in the right pane using the menu bar:
  1. Click the Down Arrow button beside the View button on the menu bar.
  2. Clear the selection for one or more of the following sections:
    • Common Actions
    • Links
    • SAS Resources
    The selected section is hidden in the right pane.

Show Content in the Right Pane

To show content in the right pane:
  1. Click the Down Arrow button beside the View button on the menu bar.
  2. Select one or more of the following sections:
    • Common Actions
    • Links
    • SAS Resources
    The selected section is displayed in the right pane.
If you have the Administer Hub capability, then you will also see a Manage Shared View of Right Pane menu item when you click the Down Arrow button beside the View button on the menu bar. When you select this menu item, the Manage Shared View of the Right Pane window is displayed. Administrators can use this window to hide sections, restore sections, and add links in the right pane.

Manage Links in the Right Pane

Note: All URLs must start with http:// or https://.
You can add, edit, and delete links in the Links section that is displayed in the right pane.
To add new links, position your mouse pointer over the Links section heading in the right pane to activate the the Add button, which opens the Add Link window. Click the Edit button to open the Manage Links window, where you can add, delete, re-order, and hide links.
If you have an Administration role, then you can click the Down Arrow button beside the View button on the menu bar, and select Manage Shared View of Right Pane. The Manage Shared View of the Right Pane window is displayed. You can use this window to add links in the right pane for other users.