Accessing SAS Visual Analytics

Authenticated Users

SAS Visual Analytics uses the standard Log On window for SAS applications. To display the Log On window, click on the URL that is supplied by your system administrator or paste it into the address field of your browser. For example, you might enter: http://host/SASVisualAnalyticsHub
To log off from SAS Visual Analytics, click Log Off in the upper right corner of the user interface. When you click Log Off, you are logged off from all environments.

Guest Access

SAS Visual Analytics system administrators can configure support for guest access. Users with guest access can access only the SAS Visual Analytics home page and the viewer. Guest access uses a shared account, so it does not provide individualized features, such as history, favorites, preferences, or alerts. If guest access is configured, it is available at a special URL such as http://host/SASVisualAnalyticsHub/guest.jsp
Accessing SAS Visual Analytics as a guest is useful if you do not have a metadata identity. This enables you to view reports that are widely available under a generic, shared account. You can also view reports that are available to the public on the Internet.