Using Gauges to Display Results

For a definition and a picture of each gauge type, see Gauges.

About Gauges

A gauge is a dashboard indicator (also known as a KPI) that displays the status or measure of a variable or variables in relation to a target, goal, or interval. Gauges are designed to achieve this goal in a way that is familiar to users. Many real-life objects use gauges, such as cars and machines. Gauges can be used to display a quantity, range, variable, or status. They often appear in business intelligence dashboards.
Qualitative ranges are required for all gauges in the designer. You can populate the range intervals manually, or you can have them generated for you based on the range of the actual data.
Gauges in the designer support high cardinality.

Specify Gauge Properties

To specify properties for gauges:
  1. If it is not already selected, select the gauge in the canvas that you want to update.
  2. In the right pane, click the Properties tab.
  3. Update the general properties for the gauge. You can update the Name, Title, Format (for the title's font style), and Description.
  4. Update the specific properties for the gauge. The available properties depend on the selected gauge type.
    Here are some details about the properties for gauges:
    • By default, the Enable selection in the viewers property is selected for gauges. This means that users who use the web viewer or a mobile device can select the gauge and click the Information icon to see the gauge name and any incoming filter information.
    • For the bullet, slider, and thermometer gauges, you can specify the Direction for displaying the gauge. The default for the bullet and slider gauges is Horizontal. The default for the thermometer gauge is Vertical.

Specify Gauge Styles

To specify styles for gauges:
  1. If it is not already selected, select the gauge in the canvas that you want to update.
  2. In the right pane, click the Styles tab.
  3. Update the styles for the gauge. The available styles depend on the selected gauge type. For example, you can specify Data Styling, Frame Styling, Text Styling, and Data Colors for gauges.